Park days- filler

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Bella and River are sitting on a bench at a park, mums and their children are playing around in front of them.

"So I'm guessing this is your quick breather, before you get all into action again." River tells Bella.

"Well... sort of. The doctors been searching for Melody- you. For Nearly the whole summer." Bella croaks.

"I'm never far." River states.

"I know." Bella replies.

"Wait. River. Can I ask you something?" Bella then questions.

"Probably not." River replies.

"The doctors gonna regenerate, right. One day. What happens if I don't love the new him? What happens if we don't get along. Or..." Bella stutters.

"Don't worry about it. It's not happening soon." River states.

"Yeah but it will happen." Bella protests.

River looks down.

"What aren't you telling me?" Bella questions.

River just looks up at Bella.

"Mother, sometimes life is unfair. Things happen. And people fade away. But they're never forgotten by the people that truly love them." River states.

"I'm gonna die before he regenerates." Bella says blankly.

"I never said that." River objects.

"But your eyes did." Bella tells her daughter.

"Ah! And there are my girls!" The doctor announces as he walks over to the bench. He sits in-between the two ladies.

"You said it was gonna be a five minute chat with River! I have been waiting for an hour!" The doctor tells Bella.

"Sorry." Bella states.

"Hey, is everything ok?" The doctor then asks the two women.

"Yes. Of course it is, stupid face. Why wouldn't it be?" Bella asks with a smile.

"Right! Well let's go get ice cream then. That's a family thing to do, right. Ice cream." The doctor announces.

"Ice cream sounds good. Well. Any Food sounds good." Bella announces.

"And maybe on the way back to prison. We can pick you up some hair dye. Ginger. Hair dye." River states quickly.

"Seriously?! Is it a trend to hate the blonde?" Bella calls out.

"It's just a bit.. bleh." The doctor tells Bella.

"A bit. BLEH." Bella hisses.

"Right! Ice cream!" River announces.

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