Chapter 8

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~It's Probably Nothing~

"You guys know where we're going right?" Felix muttered after a couple of minutes of walking in silence. The rest of the boys were walking way ahead while Felix and I lagged behind.

"Yeah, we could get lost." I picked at my friendship bracelet the worry I shrugged off before coming back.

"Don't worry." Tobi stopped the rest of the group and turned to face Felix and I. "My mom said this path leads to the crime scene." I nodded a little less worried. Eric aimed his phone at Felix for a selfie with him. Felix held up a Yolo sign with his right hand and stuck out his tongue. I smiled seeming to be the only one who noticed them.

"Did she tell you anything else about the murder? Or the curse?" David nagged Tobi.

"Uh, no. She said she's never heard anything about a curse." Tobi shrugged. That's what I thought, neither Felix or I had heard about the curse so why would an adult know about it? David stuck his lips out in a pout.

"Guess I'll have to figure that out myself." He groaned.

"But...She was on the murder investigation." Tobi replied nonchalantly trying to cheer David up. Everyone froze.

I bit my lip and tugged on my hair nervously."What?"

"Woah!" David clenched his fists in awe. Seems that did cheer him up.

"She didn't tell you until now?" Felix noticed my nervousness and slyly pulled me closer to him. "It's fine (Y/N). I'm sure there's nothing left from the murder." I nodded and took a deep breath. He was probably right. Cody remained silent, his eyes as wide as saucers.

"Since she's a cop she sometimes has to deal with dead bodies and...well, she doesn't like telling me about that kind of stuff. Actually, she's not too keen about me coming here either so not a word about this, please!" Tobi clasped his hands together with a smile.

"Not a word." Felix nodded.

David gave Tobi a thumbs up. "Don't worry." Eric and Cody mimed zipping their lips.

I pretended to zip my lips as well. "We won't say anything. Promise!"

"Thanks." Tobi breathed a sigh of relief. "Let me see what I wrote down about the murder." Tobi pulled his phone out and scrolled through it. "Oh! She said the corpse had multiple wounds from the fight and a large wound where the heart is."

"Was that what killed him?" Eric questioned referring to the wound by the heart.

Tobi nodded. "I think so, but my mom is a cop, not a Medical Examiner. The wound could have been postmortem or who knows what. My mom also told me what the witness said and saw." Everyone leaned in captivated by what Tobi would say next. "She didn't see her companion and the demon fighting; she only saw the victim when he was already dead. She was in complete shock and kept muttering the same thing over and over again 'It was a demon! He wanted to eat me!'" Cody gasped shocked by Tobi's words.

"It's like the TV show!" David giggled referring to Cuarta Dimension. Not recognizing the danger we were putting ourselves in.

"And we're going to that exact crime scene. Right now?" I pointed at the ground looking around our circle of friends.

"Come one (Y/N)." Eric elbowed me. "Don't be a stick in the mud." I glared at him. He wasn't mature enough to see the danger we were putting ourselves in either.

"Alcohol?" Felix raised an eyebrow.

Tobi grinned "A little."

"Yes! I freaking knew it!" Felix shouted, pleased with himself.

Lalin's Curse (Felix X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora