02 || a black dog

Start from the beginning

Although everyone had just stopped clapping, the hall was quickly filled once again with claps and cheers from the student, the latter primarily coming from the Gryffindor table.

"The book makes sense now," Jewel muttered as she clapped her hands.

"Book?" Gaia asked.

"Yeah," she nodded, "That big book that tries to bite you"

"Oh, that. Had to buy another set of Robes because of that book," Kaleb grumbled, just as the tables started filling up with food after Professor Dumbledore finished his speech.

"And here I was thinking your new robes were a treat for being made prefect," Gaia said, nudging him slightly.

"Please," Kaleb snorted, "If I were to get something to treat myself because of that, it'd be a Firebolt."

"That'd be great in matches, wouldn't it?" Michael sighed dreamily.

"What would be great is if you would stop staring at Yvonne Launge in the stands and start whacking bludgers instead," Gaia teased.

"I do not stare at Yvonne Launge!" Michael protested as he turned a shade of red.

"Right, of course you don't. You daydream about her on the field," Kaleb grinned as he joined in on the teasing.

"Shut up. Like you don't do the same with Perileigh Langley," Michael retorted.

"Gaia's worse. The one she's dreaming about is on the opposite team! She practically lets them win when he's around," Jewel added.

"I don't dream about Fred!" Gaia said, though it was taking her a fair amount of control to stop her hair from turning pink.

"Who said anything about Fred?" Jewel asked with the widest grin Gaia had ever seen on her face.

The three laughed when her control snapped and her hair finally turned a shade of purplish-pink while she tried to stammer out a retort.


Any Hogwarts student who'd already passed 5th Year could confidently say that OWL year was an absolute nightmare. Assignments dished out here and there as early as the first week, tests popping up nearly everyday, and even teachers giving deadlines as early as the following day.

That's why even on a Saturday, a day that most students would use as a break from classes, Gaia would spend the whole day cooped up in the library, hunched over a 12-inch piece of parchment, and scribbling as she glanced at the book beside her every now and then. Aisha was sat beside her as the Hufflepuff read a thick book entitled 'The Dream Oracle'.

"You know you still have tomorrow, right?" Aisha asked as she glanced up from the book towards the Ravenclaw frustratedly swatting her hair away from her field of vision.

"Can't. I've got try-outs tomorrow so I've got to finish these today," Gaia answered.

"Surely it won't take all day?" Aisha said.

"I've got prefect duties after that," Gaia muttered, narrowing her eyes at her own book before picking it up and flipping the pages in search of the topic she had to write about.

"Well, calm down at least. You've still got the whole day to do those assignments," Aisha insisted.

"Badger," Gaia deadpanned as she turned to her Hufflepuff friend, "The Muggle Studies essay is supposed to be 10 inches long, the Charms one is 2 pages, the History of Magic one is 14 inches long, the Potions one is 3 full pages, the Transfiguration one is 2 pages, and the DADA one is 4 inches long. You following my point here?"

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