"How nice of you." Win cooed and hugged him close, then he put Bright down again and Bright wanted to frown, why hadn't their hug lasted longer? Normally Win would carry him around or they would cuddle on the couch.

"I'm going to head out with some friends today, so P'Mike promised me that he would take care of you." Win explained and patted Bright's head. "I need to get myself ready, so in the meanwhile you can eat."

Bright didn't listen to him, instead he quickly followed Win. He wanted to be with Win as much as he could when he was awake, so the face that he was going away was not an interesting thought. He would also be stuck with Mike, the one he wasn't sure he felt angry or thankful.

He hesitated a bit before he followed Win into the bathroom but the thought of spending as much time with the other as possible won and he got in. He was both relieved and a bit disappointed to see that Win was fully dressed and was currently brushed his teeth.

Win waved slightly at Bright who just sat on the floor, staring up at the other. Bright didn't move as Win finished brushing his teeth and fixing his hair. He barely even move when Win bent down and picked him up and carried him back to the living room, setting him down on the dinner table again.

"Will you be a good boy while I'm gone?" Win asked, his voice was a bit stern. Then his stern expression cleared and smiled. The smile was so beautiful that Bright's heart beat fastened up which wasn't a shock since his heart was always beating furiously around Win. "Well honestly, if you're not being a good boy, it's  okay. It's just Mike anyway, who cares about that idiot?" He laughed. "Okay, I care but because I have to since he is my cousin."

"If you miss me, then you can sleep and I will be home in no time."

Bright was planning on doing just that, he didn't want to be awake unless win was there. He wanted to be well rested when Win returned so that he could spend more time with him. So when Win pecked the top of his head and said goodbye, Bright ate a few more leaves and then headed for the couch where he quickly fell asleep.

The sleep was short though, since he was awakened by someone shaking him and calling his name. Bright felt the urge to use his claws and scratch the one who was shaking him furiously. He was so tired and forgotten all about the fact that Mike was going to come. The thing that he registered in his half asleep mind was it definitely wasn't Win.

Then it him that the owner of the voice was his best friend's and that somehow made him more annoyed but he opened his eyes to stare at the other.

"Hey Bright!" Mike greeted with a smile.

Bright just sat up and tried to glare over at his best friend but he was sure that his koala eyes couldn't convey such an expression.

"How's the koala life?" Mike asked. "Oh wait, you can't speak but you can nod and shake your head, so.... are you happy?"

Bright wanted to roll his eyes at the question. It should be obvious that he was happy. He was able to spend time with Win. He quickly nodded.

"And you don't mine being a koala?"  Do you want to change your look back?"

At this, Bright hastily shook his head, being turned back meant that he would never be able to be this close to Win again.

"Well, the magic won't hold forever but I will let you be koala until the effect wears off or if you want to change back for some reason." Mike sat down next to Bright on the couch and reached for the remote, turning on the TV. "You should thank me once for helping you once you are back to being a human. I even exposed my secret to you so that I could do this."

Bright snorted and slipped off the sofa, he was feeling tired and wanted to sleep some more. He wandered into the bedroom and went to the bed and fell asleep again.

Win was having lots of fun but he missed the koala clearly. He couldn't wait to slip into his bed and hold the fluffy koala in his arms. Just the thought of it made him smile but before he could do that, he would have to talk to Mike. He needed to know how long he was supposed to take care of the koala. He didn't want to think about it though, he was already really attached to the koala and wished to keep him as a pet forever. The thought of being parted with the cute koala tugged painfully in his chest.

With a slight sigh, he entered his apartment. It had already passed midnight so he wasn't surprised to find Mike asleep on the sofa, the TV was still on. Shaking his head slightly, Win began shaking his cousin to wake him up.

"Oh you're back." Mike said as he yawned while rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry, I got back late than I was supposed to."

"It's okay, I didn't have anything better to do anyway but I don't understand why I needed to babysit Bright, he did nothing but sleep."

"Yeah well, I was afraid he was going to do something stupid like climbing the curtains and get himself injured. Didn't want to take the chance when I was going to be out for a long time."

"Curtains?" Mike asked. "I don't think he's that stupid, you should give him some credit."

"He climbed the bookshelf once and fell down."

Apparently Mike found this thing amusing and he began laughing. "Ah, I wish I had seen that."

At this Win began glaring at his cousin. "He could have gotten hurt! It's not something to laugh at!"

Mike quickly stopped laughing and held up his hands. "Wow, calm down."

"I'm glad you gave him to me, if you think something like that is fun, which reminds me that you haven't told me anything at all about how you got him and how long I'm going to take care of him."

"Well..." Mike began, he was a bit hesitant. "I can't tell you. How I got him is a secret and how long you're going to take care of him depends."

Win narrowed his eyes. "Depends on what?"

"Things." Mike said, his voice clearly stating that he wasn't willing to elaborate. "And I need to go now, bye."

And as always, Mike swiftly left before Win got the time to say anything. No one was more infuriating and annoying as his cousin but he still loves him. His cousin always acted so mysterious and one day Win hope to find out what his secret was but not tonight apparently. He didn't get the chance to ask why Mike had named the koala after his housemate and best friend. He was actually curious about that. Were the man and the koala is the same person somehow?

He had only seen Mike's best friend around the campus sometimes, never met the man personally. It was a bit odd that he never spoken to his own cousin's best friend but Win didn't really spend much time with Mike, so it was understandable. Oh well, he could always ask next time.

Win quickly locked the door and went into the bedroom. He was so tired that he didn't bother changing his clothes to his pajamas and just went to bed in his underwear. Yawning widely, he slipped into the bed and pulled the already sleeping koala close and hugged him. A minute didn't even pass before he was pulled into the darkness.


So here, chapter 7. There are 4 more chapters left. Sorry for the short story.

Anyway, thank you for the votes my lovely readers. I really appreciate it! Thank you so much. <3<3<3

I really hope that this story doesn't bore you guys.

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