"Are you ready to hear this?" he asks and I nod take a seat across from him.

"Okay well this happened back before you came along I started selling drugs for money. This was before Vine and shit. I was a nerd freshman year in high school and just like any other kid I wanted to fit in. I started to dress more fresh and talking back to teachers than I became friends with some guys. To be cool they wanted to sell drugs. I was scared shit-liss but I wanted to fit in. Andrea was in on it and so was Taylor. Then vine came along and the drug dealer Bart started Magcon for more money. I couldn't stop or i'd be dead. Then you come along and I swear everything was real. Then a lot of people wanted you once they knew I liked you. So those days were I left for a long time, I was busy 'taking care of people who were after you' "

"Do you mean taking care of people as in killing?" I ask feeling a bit confused on what he meant.

"Yeah. So things were getting bad and Taylor's girlfriend became part of this drug thing when she started dating Taylor. Let me tell you she is one psychotic crazy bitch. That video you saw isn't what it really looked like. We were at a party and she kind of got me a little tipsy and into a room. It was a huge set up. You see behind the camera was a guy with a gun and she explained that if I didn't pretend like I didn't care about you I would die and then she would kill you. So that was a no brainer. Then afterwards I told Taylor what she did and then he broke up with her. " He takes a deep breath before continuing.

" So then I had a long convo with Taylor about what I should do to keep you safe and he said the only thing to do is to break up with you. Which I did in Vegas. Taylor wanted it to sound believable so he told me he would tell you that I cheated. I didn't realize how bad I would miss you. Then Matt came in and Kind of took you. Oh yeah and the Andrea deal was while you were at digi for a month with Matt and the guys. So basically Andrea kept trying to threaten me about how she was going to put you in danger and all this other shit and So I asked her to stop and we made a deal that she would stop trying to put you in danger if we had sex which we did but it didn't mean anything. But I didn't cheat on you because we weren't together." He says placing a hand on mine.

"I promise all I was trying to do was protect you." He says as I removed my hand from his.

"I... I .... I can't believe this." I say getting up.

"Katherine, I know its a lot to take in."

"Wait why are you telling me this now? why are you trying to get back together with me if I could be put in danger? " I ask parading around the room.

"i'm telling you this now because I realize how much I love you and cant live without you. I love you so much and I just couldn't take it. Its been months and I just can't be away from you. I know I am putting you in danger by telling you this but I just want to be with you. I don't want Matt or any other guy touching whats mine. I just can't pretend that I don't care about you. I just can't. I can't be without you." He says as I see tears trickle down his face.

"I can't do this. You can't just drop these huge bombs on me like that. I love you so much Cameron but this doesn't change a lot, it doesn't change that we are broken up and we weren't that happy together." I remind him.

"You're just remembering all of the bad times. We had so many great memories. So many." He says standing up

" Cameron I'm going to go get lunch. I am done talking right now." I say picking up my keys.

I walk out of the tent and I see Nash and Taylor rolling in the sand together like idiots. I should talk to Taylor. I walk towards them and they stop and look up.

"This isn't what it looks like." Nash says as he is pinned to the ground with Taylor on top of him.

"I really don't care what you guys are doing but Taylor can we talk?" He seems taken back.

"Uh Sure." He says getting up.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asks as we stroll the beach.

"I know everything. I know you were only trying to help Cameron."

"Oh." He says kicking the sand with his feet.

"Are you going to get back together with Cameron?" He asks stopping in the middle of the beach.

"No. I mean it does change things but we just cant be together."

"I see." He says.

"But do you want to be with him?" He asks.

"I don't really know what I want anymore. I'm just so confused." I say sitting down on the sand.

"What are you confused about?" He asks.

"Everything." I sigh.

"Well do you love him?" He asks taking a seat next to me.


"Well then why don't you be with him?" He asks.

"Its not that simple."

"How is it no that simple you love him he loves you whats so hard about that."

"It just won't work out." I say throwing a pebble in to the ocean.

"I think the both of you are more different now in a good way. You're a lot stronger and he's a lot stronger and maybe now you both can handle a relationship. "

"Maybe." I sigh.

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