Ritchie Valens x Reader: This I Swear

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It was the first day of May, and you were visiting Los Angeles. It was close to summer, although it was still breezy. As of right now, you were walking down the strip near the beach, just looking for some things to buy, specifically clothes. You got a little carried away staring at the beautiful cars passing by you. Some men were staring and cat-calling at you. Of course you ignored them, and rolled your eyes. Like you'd get into a car of some disrespectful boy.

You passed by a floor vent on the side walk and your right heels got stuck. "Oh come on..." You muttered to yourself.

You tried to tug your foot, trying to hurry because there were a few people behind you and now you had just stopped right in front. A few people passed you that were in front of you, you turned around, lucky there wasn't anyone behind you. It was past 8 and you really should be getting home. You heard a loud roar of cars racing, and began to panic as you could see a car was recklessly swerving around. There wasn't any cars in front or around you, now that it was late.

Then the car came right in front of you.


Another car, a blue one had crashed right into it. Both of the car hoods were crashed into each other. Someone had stepped out of the car that had been driving recklessly, a drunken man wobbled over to the blue car's drivers seat. A cute guy stepped out, his brow was bleeding, he looked very dizzy.

"A-Are you alright miss?" Was the first thing the cute guy from the blue car said.

Another man stepped out of the blue car, a rather trouble maker type, with a leather jacket, angrily stepped out of the car, "Oh that fuckers gonna pay! Let's kick his ass Ritchie!" He put up his fists.

"Bob-!" He ran to stop him from fighting the now throwing up driver. "Stop Bob! Look he's throwing up, he might be seriously injured!"

You stood there in shock. Your heel still stuck in the floor vent.

"Oi, hey. What the hell you standing right where a car can hit you?" The one called Bob said pulling out a cigarette.

That snapped you right back into reality, "M-My heel is stuck..."

"No shoe is worth dying for, jeez you women-" Bob was interrupted.

"Bob! Don't talk to her that way." Ritchie was holding up the drunk driver.

You took your shoe off feeling embarrassed, and it easily came out of the floor vent afterwards. You slipped your shoe back on. "A-are you alright sir?" You walked up to Ritchie.

"I'm fine, are you alright?" He asked still holding up the drunk driver.

"I'm fine, you're bleeding." You pulled out a handkerchief from your purse and wiped his brow.

He jumped from your sudden touch, even dropping the drunk driver. "Oh I'm so sorry!" He said handing the guy to Bob.

"Why did you- crash your car into his? You don't even seem drunk." You asked.

"Because, I saw he was driving recklessly and he was about to hit you... I did the first thing I could think of..."

You blushed, "Thank you... Are you sure you're alright? You don't need to go to the hospital?"

"Yeah, I just feel a bit sore." He held his neck.

"Ritchie, how the fuck are we gonna get home?" Bob said.

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