The Black Cells

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There was nothing left in the darkness save his own soft breathing.

The darkness kept him company through the hours and days he sat slumped against the wall of his cell, holding him in its cold embrace. His mouth was parched, his stomach empty, his voice hoarse from disuse, but he sat there, and endured it, because there was no choice.

He'd had a choice, before they'd thrown him into this cell, and he still believed that he had not chosen wrong. Honour, duty, loyalty. His life had been crafted upon always doing what was right no matter the consequences, and now his death would be crafted upon it, too. He was not afraid, not for himself. He did not fear death.

There was only the thought of his family, the ones he had to protect. That was what he feared. That they would be left alone and unprotected in this unforgiving world, that he would not be able to care for them and save them. His duty as a father, as a husband, as a lord, and he could not do it, he could not keep them safe. He had promised Lyra, sworn to her that he would. He had never broken a vow before.

Promise me, Ned.

His sister's voice echoed in his head, weak and pleading. He had kept his promise to her, because Aegon Targaryen was alive and safe. He had not failed her. There was that comfort, at least.

Give me something for the pain, and let me die.

Robert, he had failed. His friend was dead, and Ned had not even been able to fulfil his last wishes. He could not rule as his friend had asked, nor could he help the young boy, Joffrey, to grow into a man, a King.

Promise me you'll always look after us, all of us, no matter what.

Lyra... He couldn't stop hearing her screams, couldn't stop seeing the agony and grief in her eyes as she was dragged away. But she was safe, and that was what mattered.

He wished he could see her again, one last time. Wished he could see all of them once more, if only to tell them he was sorry. Catelyn more than anything.

So Ned Stark sat slumped against the cold wall of his cell, and kept the darkness company.

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