I have to force myself to put my hands in my hoodie pocket.

"just need to get home.." I let out a shaky whisper to myself.  Today has been awful.


"Shigaraki-san I-" Kurogiri stops in suprise.

Shigaraki stands in front of his bathroom mirror, with a brush in his hand. He has on a pair of skinny jeans and a tight fitting black button down shirt. His hair isnt tattered and appears to be straightened out.

"What is it Kurogiri?" The teen snapped.

"Oh um... may I ask what your doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing you dunce?"

"My apologies.  What is the occasion?"  The shadowy man persists.

Shigaraki turns his head away sharply, and someone who didnt know him, would not have noticed his ears turn a shade of red.

"I am to meet with the new recruit today." he mutters.

Kurogiri smirks for a second, glad to see his superior show he was still human in a way, before he remembered what he came her to tell the young man.

"I am sorry Shigaraki-san, but it seems like that will have to wait. I recieved a call from the boss. He wants you to come in today."

The young man says nothing, but Kurogiri senses the rage allready pouring off of him.

"Let me know when your ready." Kurogiri hurriedly retreats from the room, eager to avoid another one of the young masters temper tantrums.

Shigaraki grits his teeth.

A bit later

"I would like you to hold back on All Might for a bit. Lay low. Wait for me."


Deku's POV

The handcuffs I wore are still chained fo the wall, but it seems shigaraki put his stuff back in his room. I head for his desk, which is surprisingly neat for such an unkempt guy. He has a pristine black computer, a pair of headphones with blue LED's are strewn across the keyboard. I pick up a notebook that's sits next to his computer. I don't waste time reading it, but I take pictures of a couple of the pages, and find myself giggling a bit when I see a crudely draw Kurogiri with comic text saying "Blah Blah Blah."

"You are pretty childish Shigaraki-san." I muse.

I put the notebook back and start searching through his drawers. First drawer, more notebooks, pens, paperclips. Second drawer, a calendar, chapstick (surprisingly), and some other random items. I reach for the bottom drawer and find several binders. I hurriedly take some pictures of the contents, and as I'm about to close it, something catches my eye. A magazine. I reach down and start to pull it out, as soon as I tug it free I drop it.

This is...oh..oH..OHH OH NO

"Ah that's.. ah omygod ohno." I squeak and feel my entire face turn red.

The magazine lays open on the floor, revealing...tasteful pictures of men and women in various positions. I hurriedly stuff it back at the bottom of the drawer and nearly run out of the room, shutting the door behind me. Its not until I'm safely back into my new room that I let out a sigh of relief. Clutching at my shirt over my heart, I can feel it pounding.

"If Shigaraki had walked in then, I never would've been able to look him in the eye!" I mumble aloud.

Turns out I could not even talk to him. He had something else troubling him entirely.

The blue haired villain arrived back at the base hollering for Kurogiri. Apparently, the shadowy being did not answer Shigaraki's phone call and he had to take the bus back.

When I heard him yelling, I wanted to talk to him, but I could just feel the anger rolling off of him, so I decided against it. It was for the best, because Toga found me and started chattering about something. I think she could tell I wasn't paying attention, because she sighed loudly and said,

"Deku. If you want to talk to him so bad, just go. He will calm down once he sees you."

"What do you mean?" I say, confused.

"I mean, that this morning when he was supposed to meet you, he made himself look presentable for once. Brushed his hair and everything. He wanted to impress you."

"Impress me I-"

"Honestly! It makes me kinda' jealous. I have sucked up to him but he obviously just doesn't care about me." Toga starts to rattle on again, but my thoughts started drifting elsewhere.

My eyes wander over to Shigaraki. He was still ranting at Kurogiri.

He wanted to impress me? Does that mean he..no it couldn't be.

I find myself walking home, I didn't feel quite comfortable sleeping in the base yet, and besides Mom would get worried.

When I finally got in bed, my head is spinning. Am I hero? Am I a villain? What exactly is my goal here? Why is Shigaraki confusing me like this?

This is all Shigaraki's fault. If he hadn't grabbed me at the mall...

I trace my fingers around my neck where he had so forcibly held me. I feel a blush tinge my cheeks. I wrap my hand around my throat trying to mimic the feeling.

When we were at the café and he wrapped his hand around mine.

When he placed his hand under my chin to give me water...

My breath feels heavy as a pressure builds up in my stomach.

This is wrong! I try to tell myself, but its already too late. The hand I don't have gripping my throat starts to wander to my waistband.

Shigaraki's breath on my neck...

I slide my pants down, revealing a tent that had formed under my briefs.

Shigaraki's surprisingly soft hair...

My face heats up even more as my hand wraps around my hard member.

What if he wrapped his hands around my waist, kissing down my stomach.

The thought sends shivers down my spine.

What have I gotten myself into??

Word count: 1,675

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