1. A Filthy Mess Of Negative Emotions

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Mikey Way could not go home.

He was supposed to, and technically he could, but he dreaded it so much, he decided he just couldn't. He loved his boyfriend- or, he thought he did- but he couldn't deal with Chris at the moment.

Walking towards his home and pushing his boxy glasses up his nose with one finger, Mikey debated where else he could go at 12:15pm (he worked the morning shift at Barnes & Noble) and decided on a random cafe he saw. He walked in, hoping this was the last place Chris would look for him. He sat at an empty table that looked particularly lonely, maybe betrayed. It looked worn, like it was once loved so much that it was too much, and no one wanted it anymore. Mikey felt he could relate in an unrelatable way, so he sat there. The table that had been loved too much seating the boy who hadn't been loved enough.

The cafe's interior was colored with greens, tans, and whites, which was pretty nice in Mikey's opinion. He liked how bright and fresh it was, but not stark and bitter like the coffee he had just ordered. It was crisp and delightful, a major contrast from the dark reds and browns of his home- Well, it was Chris's home. Mikey got to live there.

The lanky boy adjusted his beanie to cover his ears equally and shifted his light brown hair out of his eyes as his coffee was brought to him by an overly enthusiastic waitress. She had beautiful brown hair and the prettiest hazel eyes, accompanied by a dazzling smile. Her name tag labelled her as Kristin. Too bad he was gay.

Mikey sipped his beverage silently, starting to drown in his thoughts that were blacker than his coffee. One could determine Mikey's mood based on two different things about his coffee- The more creamer, the happier he was. The louder he slurped it, the happier he was.

He had been drinking bitter coffee in dead silence for a few years now.

How had he not fixed his problems yet? He spilled things, he knocked them over, he always said the wrong things, he couldn't cook or clean well enough, he hurt people, he snapped at the smallest things... He was lucky to have Chris. Chris gave him shelter and food and clothes. He had to take what he could get.


The heat of the coffee on his wrist when he spilled it was enough to pull Mikey back into reality after being startled so badly he squeaked. He turned around to see who had greeted him, and locked eyes with a much shorter and tanner boy with short, black hair, and his fair share of tattoos. His black tee-shirt revealed an assortment of designs on his arms, including one from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Mikey blushed out of embarrassment and half-smiled up at the stranger. "Uh, hi."

The stranger smiled back, showing only a few teeth. Mikey thought this was welcoming but not in an overly inviting way, just a friendly invitation to speak comfortably, which eased him a bit. He always noted these things about people, as if he would consider getting to know them. He never got to know people anymore- that was too risky.

"So basically, my friends are douches, right? And they dared me to tell my crush I liked him. Well there's no fun in that," Pete slid into the booth across from Mikey, a smirk on his face, "so I think I'll start off by saying you are very cute and my name is Pete Wentz."

Mikey, who couldn't help but be fascinated by the stranger's simple first name and unique last name, was dumbfounded. Not even by how forward this stranger was, but how could someone like him? He knew he was a filthy mess of negative emotions that only caused trouble, and he certainly wasn't cute. The bags under his eyes and untamed hair didn't help. "I- how-"

Pete smiled warmly, bright enough to match the room. "I don't know you at all, but I would like to."

Mikey's shock quickly turned into uneasiness, which started spiralling. There was no way this stranger found him cute. It had to be some mean prank. And if he did get to know him, he would only be disappointed. Maybe this was a homophobe trying to trick him. It's not like he was single, anyway. So many things were wrong with this whole situation, and he needed to leave. He didn't want to disappoint this guy, and he didn't want to be hurt by him. And even if Pete was a trustworthy, honest person, people change. Mikey had seen that firsthand. Whatever the problem was, he wanted to get away from it- as far away as possible.

"I- I'm sorry, but I- I need to leave. I'm sorry..." Mikey called for the waitress and paid before scrambling away as fast as he possibly could, leaving behind a very confused and upset Pete Wentz.

Mikey got home fairly quickly, done with upsetting people for the day. He hoped he wouldn't see Chris, but as soon as he walked in, his boyfriend sprang up from the couch.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Chris snapped, venom coating his words as they dripped from his lips, the lips that touched every inch of Mikey Way and would continue to do so as long as they could.

Mikey flinched and set down his backpack by the door. "I went for coffee..."

"You're supposed to tell me when you go places, sweetheart."

Mikey gulped at the nickname he used to love. Three years ago it had been so light and warm and loving, like he was Chris's valentine every single day, and they lived in a cliche coming of age movie. It was beautiful. Now, the word was heavy, like Mikey felt. He felt heavy like dead weight dragging everyone down, including himself. The word was like a dark hissing from a massive snake that wanted only to restrict you more and more until you couldn't breathe.

Mikey decided then that he didn't like snakes.

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"Come here," Chris cut his boyfriend off, waving him over to the couch he stood next to.

The boy with glasses obliged, slowly nearing him, until his wrist was grabbed harshly. Chris tightened his grip, even though he knew Mikey wouldn't struggle. He pushed the submissive one onto the couch and got mostly on top of him, an arm on either side. He kissed Mikey, lips first, before moving down to his jawline.

Mikey tilted his head back. He knew better than to struggle. If he struggled, he would get hurt. He got hurt sometimes if he obeyed, but he definitely would if he struggled. So he let it happen.

He hated it, though. He hated the way Chris's lips on his neck felt like spiders and snakes and everything venomous. It felt like all the life was getting sucked out of him, and in return he got a bruise, which, if we're being honest, hurt him. There were so many all over his pale neck, and it hurt, mentally and physically. Mikey knew if he didn't satisfy Chris, though, bad things would happen. So he gasped and made the exact sounds Chris wanted, just right, because what Chris wanted is what Chris got. Mikey knew that by now. 

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