Chapter 2: Roaring Muscles

Start from the beginning

Look yes bad things happen in the world but she is the type of girl if it is a global thing she is all ears, but if it's politics, this, or that. Isn't there enough bad news in the world? It doesn't mean she doesn't care she's just joying her life for the moment. Then she'll be happy to listen. So when she heard 'Symbol of Peace' her gears were turning and in a common way.

When she already had a thought, a theory.

Just as All Might was about to explain the name of his 'Quirk' the true name of it, (Y/n) already beat him to the punch.

"...Oh you mean 'One for All'?"

All Might's mouth hung open as a sudden gust came by and looking back and forth Izuku watched as neither of them moved. When All Might shook (Y/n)'s shoulders and blood pumping out of his mouth screaming how can she know if she has never heard of him!?

With an unfazed blink (Y/n) just stood up maybe cause her legs were falling asleep or just cause she is wiping what blood she has on her she needs to wipe off. But she just voices her thoughts in a calm cool manner.

"...Oh well...I have HEARD of that 'Symbol of Peace' or whatever and at first, I didn't understand what someone meant by that. So just thinking about it I figured well who are they a symbol FOR? And who is that sense of peace given to? So when I heard you say it again I then realized you must mean Your ONE person spreading a sense of peace FOR ALL. So again One For All."

Both Izuku and All Might were hunched over wondering IF that is really a guess??

"...Oh good grief. *rolls her eyes* Basically, if people used more common sense instead of making such a complicated thing they wouldn't focus on what they see instead of what someone is saying...And yes, it's just a guess. Hm, what's wrong now?"

Izuku looked overseeing All Might already shade black in a gloomy corner Izuku asked in a tiny voice if what she said is right? I think in (Y/n)'s head as she slipped one hand in her skirt pocket she was beginning to think this All Might really like to add effects to everything even when he talks..... He is behaving like a kid who wanted to tell everyone he had a secret clubhouse or something and someone spoiled it for him.

Meaning HE has to be the person to tell it.

Groaning lowly she pretended as she changed her voice into someone who cares.

"...Oh I'm sorry All Might. Please tell me....what is the secret of your great and powerful 'Quirk'?~" *Hint, add a bit of a sarcastic voice in there*

He looked over saying how he can't tell if she's being sarcastic or just plain rude. But quickly rewinding saying One for All again.

"*Sarcastic gasp* No way..."

Covering her mouth acting like she is 'truly' shocked. All Might only hunch over again saying how she is just being rude. Pointing out how he can either get the sarcastic side or the girl who is blunt and straight to the point but he can't have both.

Going back to Izuku, All Might explained how this 'Quirk' was a sacred tool passed down to him, and now All Might is willing. More like letting Izuku have it. When again (Y/n) pointed out as she spoke in a blunt voice.

"Oh. So, you WERE 'Quirk-less' just like Izuku?~"

And from hearing that Izuku was already sweating wondering if that WAS true when All Might just be covered (Y/n) mouth mumbling does she have to speak every time he has something to say. Coughing and letting him explain AGAIN. That One For All is when one person passes down their source of power to another. With each passing, it grows stronger, and now he is giving it to Izuku.

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