The start of heaven

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It was like any fairy tail. You get your dream guy and get married have kids.

I was only in 6th grade when Isaac Longwood had asked me out and I remembered ever detail of that day. We were outside that Tuesday morning waiting for our bus. We were the only two since we were the only ones that lived in that neighborhood. Me and Isaac wouldn't actually talk but sometimes I'll pretend that we were having a full blown conversation about our future. But that day Isaac was a bit jittery, he was always moving around and looking at me. The bus came about 15 minutes later. We has boarded the bus. I sat down in just usual spot but Isaac then sat by me instead if going to the back. I was a bit surprised but I brushed it off."Hi,[y/n]." It looked me a while to realize that he was talking to me."Hey,I-Issac. "I stuttered. He looked at me and smiled. "Did you know that you're very pretty? "I looked away from him because I knew at that point I was as red as a tomato. (The guy is Isaac Longwood ).

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