The Unsuspecting Surprise

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"Yes, but won't that be suspicious?" Hadrian asked.

"Glamours are hard to detect, so no it won't be."

"Ok, bye Madam Pomfrey!"

"Goodbye, Mr. Potter & Mr. Malfoy!"

Little did they know was that some certain Potion Professor was restocking the potion cabinet inside Madam Pomfrey's office...

-Time Skip- (The next morning)

Hadrian was sitting at the Slytherin table with Draco cuddled into his side. While Draco and Hadrian were eating breakfast, an owl landed in front of them with 2 letters. The owl flew away, leaving both of the letters on the table. Hadrian looked at Draco and checked the letter for any spells or charms like the compulsion charm. Once Hadrian decided the letters were clean of any spells and charms, he finally opened one to see a letter from his and Draco's father and the other was from Hermione.

"Hey, Draco, this letter is from our parents. Do you want to see it now, or later?"

"Really! Can we open it now? Please?"

"Of course! Let me see, oh! It says...

Dear Hadrian & Draco,

We have heard from Snape that Draco hasn't been feeling well, so we were wondering if you knew what was going on. Please, send us a letter if you know anything, or we will have to resort to asking Madam Pomfrey! Be careful, we love you!

-Your fathers



-Narcissa Malfoy "

"Well, that was interesting," Draco hummed.

"Wait... Snape!" Hadrian practically shouted.

They look over at the teachers' table and see Snape laughing to himself.

"How did Snape know that I was not feeling good..."

"I don't know..."

"Wait, does that mean-" Just then a letter popped up out of nowhere interrupting Draco.

"It looks like this letter is from Snape..."

"Let me see, it says to meet him in his office after breakfast..." Hadrian said slowly.

"Oh no," Draco said it like he was Baymax... (Shout out to you if you get this!)

They finished up their breakfast and went to Snape's office.

"You two are just crazy thinking you can take care of a BABY during this crisis! Dumbledore is literally trying to KILL you... And here you go, Hadrian getting your mate pregnant... What am I gonna do with you two?" Snape lightly scolded...

"We did NOT know the hazard of getting pregnant, mum!"

"M-mum... I am your FATHER, n-not your 'mum'! And what will your father think when he sees you call me 'MUM'!"

"I think he would find it quite funny!"

"U-uh humf! Whatever... Now back to the (Sirius) serious topic! Why would you get him pregnant, Hadrian!"

"I'm sorry if I didn't know Draco could get pregnant! Also, I got a letter from Hermione and I haven't opened it yet.. S-"


"Too late, I opened it and it says...

Hermione's Letter to Hadrian

Dear Harry,

I have something that is on my mind and I would like if you and Draco could help me sort out my problem. Can you two meet me in the Room of Requirements at lunch and don't forget to bring Pansy and Professor Snape with you? Please come and help me.


"Well, 'mum' you are coming with us to the Room of Requirements during lunch whether you like it or not." Hadrian mocked.

"Don't call me 'mum' again," Snape said.

-Time Skip- (The Room of Requirements during lunch with Hadrian, Draco and Professor Snape)

"Where is Hermione? She said she would be here during lunch." Draco said, as he sat curled up in Hadrian's lap.

"Hey, H-harry, D-draco, P-professor S-snape..."

"Hey 'mione, what's wrong?"

"I-i found out the truth, about you, me, Professor Snape, Dumbledore, and Voldemort... Hadrian I'm not sure if you're gonna like this or not, but I-i'm y-your... How do I say this.. I'm your younger twin sister" Hermione said, shouting the last part.

"W-what, how is this possible, it never said in my birth certificate though, so how is that possible?!"

"Dumbledore... Dumbledore made it possible... He was the one who illegally got rid of me in your birth certificate, but not mine for some reason..."

"That's amazing!! I'm so happy- you're going to be an aunt- that we are siblings. You are my best friend."

"Yeah!- Uh wait what? Please repeat that."

"I said I'm so happy you found out that we are siblings... Yeah..."

"Uh, no it's the part where you said I'm going to something, what am I going to be!"

"Oh yeah, You are going to be an aunt" Hadrian said way too fast.

"WAIT WHAT!" Hermione shouted, causing Draco to whimper and cuddle up to Hadrian even more.

"Relax Hermione, you are scaring Draco. Also is Hermione your real name?"

"Oh, I am sorry Draco. I didn't mean to scare you. I am just so excited. Congratulations you guys. Also, my name is not actually Hermione, it is actually Delphi Eileen Riddle."

"Ok! That's amazing!"

"Yeah Her- I mean Delphi, I'm super hap-" Draco was interrupted by Snape and Pansy entering the RoR.

"Hey, guys!"

"H-hey, Pansy" Hermione stuttered.

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