"Because Malfoy isn't good for you," Sirius said. Seren jumped as she felt his hand trace her exposed skin. "He's a Slytherin... He hates me..."

Seren thought Sirius was doing that to distract her but in reality, he was just so enthralled being so close to her. It was new territory for them both and each knew this was strange.   

"I can't break up with him because of that, those aren't real reasons. And that's your bias." Seren tried to argue but her voice faded. 

Seren stared up at Sirius with the little vision she had, noticing how his lips were parted slightly and his brows scrunched in concentration. She wanted to kiss him. Should she?


"Yes, Seren?" 

Seren cursed Merlin as she got on her tippy toes and kissed Sirius, her lips meeting the corner of his lips. She pulled away from her own sudden kiss, realising that it was a mistake. It's not like he would kiss her back.

"I'm so sorr–" Seren was cut off with a kiss from Sirius that was full of urgency. The young girl's eyes closed in bliss as she let Sirius Black kiss her. Their kiss was full of passion and Seren felt as if her stomach was full of warm butterbeer and butterflies. She didn't feel that with Lucius. 

Wait, Lucius!

Seren pulled out of the kiss with a pant, regret written on her face. "I am so sorry Sirius."

"Don't be," Sirius pulled away from her, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Malfoy?" Seren nodded her head, too embarrassed to speak. "It's okay Seren," Sirius' voice was a bit ruff and he ran a hand through his hair. 

"I'm such a bad person," Seren moaned. "Why do you do this to me Sirius?!"

"Do what to you?" Sirius was definitely intrigued in the question she posed to him. 

"Make me feel things that I shouldn't!" Seren was extremely frustrated.

Sirius sighed, "let's change venues." He knew that he should take her out of closet so they could have a real conversation where they can communicate effectively rather than stay in the dark.  

"How?! You were the one who chose this weird closet!"

Sirius smirked, "it's not just a closet." Within five seconds the dark room around her transformed into a library that was dimly lit.

Seren's green eyes lit up just like the room as she witnessed its transformation. "How did you find this place?!"

"It's a secret," Sirius said with a smirk, knowing that one day he would tell her. "Is this better than a closet?"

Desolate [SIRIUS BLACK]Where stories live. Discover now