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ok so here is a key

underlined means nicknames

bold means a note from yours truly

slanted is thinking from now on


Lunch period same day

(3rd person POV)

Kiri walked up the stairs in silence. He had a mission to save Bakugou and the rest of his friends and family from the monsters and what they would make him do to them. He went up to the top flor and stopped looked back and forth down the empty hallway.

(Kiri POV)

After looking for them I continued down the hallways of UA's top floor. I was not afraid of running into people, the top flor was mainly used for storage. So far everything was going according to plan, I rattle off the list under my breath "bandages check, blade check, notebook, damm it!! I must have left it on my desk. It's fine it's not crucial.". I finally reach an old classroom and bust open the door with my quirk. I step inside and I only see them, they must have figured out my plan. The biggest one seeps aside so I have enough room to complete my plan. I set everything up and prepare my wrists with an alcohol wipe. I look at the monsters that are making me do this and then down at my wrists. Sucking in a breath I pick up the knife from the ground and slash my left wrist and then swishing hands slash the right one. Blood pools on to the ground and my head is fussy and I can't see right. I lay down and whisper "They can't hurt you know, Blasty."


Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kirishima sneak into the restricted area of the school. what the? I think "he could just be lost?! no this is his 3d year here. I start to panic "Umm... Aisawa, dude get up!!!" I say/yell shaking him awake. he had fallen asleep on the cafeteria table in his sleeping bag. his eyes flutter open "what do you want, Urusai?!" he grumbled. "Tsukareta,.."
(seriously though look up their nicknames it's adorable)
he smiled at the sound of his nickname, "..hun I saw one of your students go upstairs" he looks at me with wide eyes and jumps out of his sleeping bag. "let's go, grab your radio and..." the bell rang and students started to head out to get to class. "shit," Aisawa says under his breath. he whips out his radio and calls someone. 

yea it's me.... yes now I need you to teach class 1a for a little ...........ok thanks bitch. he adds at the end try to guess who it is (for this Au en*****r works at ua from time to time)
"let's go!" I say

time jump brought you by icy hot 

time jump brought you by icy hot 

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(Mic's POV)

I open the door and gasp. on the floor lay a Kirishima with blood surrounding him.

          activating my quirk I scream

AIZAWA HELPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he comes running and stops right behind me and rips his radio from his belt as I run over and Check his pulse, week but still there.
"Stop Aizawa, there's a low chance that people actually pick up. Cover your ears now." He looks at me like I am going insane, " Now!" I say forcefully. I turn to where I suspect the official office is and the infirmary 6 floors below us.

I yell louder than my quirk had let me in the past. I feel my throat ripping and blood flows into my mouth. I didn't have time to grab my support item. It huts to move and breathe. I collapse after I finished broadcasting the message.

Aizawa Pov

He yelled Louder then he has ever, even with a support item. I see him hit the floor and I run to him and rip his Jacket ( he had a White shirt on under his leather jacket🙃) of and find his Collarbone and find his pulse. Ok after that he seemed like he was not breathing. CPR lessons in high school payed of, thank the nonexistent god. Everything goes by in a flash, The principal and recovery girl got there in time to get Kirshema breathing again and to get him and to my husband to the infirmary.  Hizashi, He shredded his throat to bits and the blood had made its way into his lungs. As the rest of the pros stabilize them and got them down into the infirmary. The whole time I was hiding in the corner of the room softly crying to my self. Suddenly someone burst into the room and yells
"Dad! Are you ok?!? Where's pa?!" Shinsio runs over to me and hugs me tightly and I feel drops of water hit my shoulder and pull away and grip the shaking purple haired teen and say "shush it's going to be fine you're pa is one of the strongest people I know. he wont give up. He loves you too much." And pull him on to my lap and hold him close. After awhile he stopped crying and sobs "ddadd whhat happened to kKirshema? One of the teachers pulled me and Bakugo out and told me what happened to Pa and told Bakugo something about Kirshema hurting him self and bathroom flies down the hallway to the infirmary"

It's mee the Author, sorry for The bad writing T-T. I know I am bad but I will try!  (ò_óˇ)   ^ω^

One question whats your favorite emoticon? Mine is this one
٩( ᐛ )و

Bye children 🤘👋

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