"No, I don't know why he asked you" he laughed and pulled me closer to him

"I know deep down you wanted to know if we are so maybe this will help" he kissed me passionately. I pulled away smiling

"Maybe not I don't think I know yet" I smirked at him leaning in.


"Hey y/n" Sad eyes got up and hugged me

"Hey" I smiled while hugging back

"Hey bitch" Julianna walked out the house smiling.

"Omg hey" I walked up to her and gave her a hug.

"Hey Andrea" Andrea walked up to me and hid behind me.

"It's ok mi amor" She slowly walked to Julianna

"I got someone that wants to meet you" She smiled and grabbed her hand leading her inside. I walked in behind them and saw Alejandro playing. Andrea and Alejandro played while me and Julianna talked. I heard yelling so I walked outside to see Mateo holding a gun to Oscars' head.

"Mateo stop!" I yelled causing Julianna to come out

"Julianna stay inside with the kids" She walked back inside closing the door.

"Mateo drop the gun please!" I slowly walked over to them

"Y/n go back inside!"Oscar yelled pointing at the door.

"Oscar shut up!" I yelled at him

"Mateo, please. Put the gun down" I looked at him and I saw the regret in his eyes.

"I'm sorry baby. It wasn't supposed to end like this" He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"It doesn't have to end like this Mateo just put the gun down"

"No no!" He yelled making me jump

"Why not Mateo?"

"Because if I can't have you no one can!" he pointed the gun at me and shot. I fell to the ground holding my stomach. I looked to the side and saw Mateo runoff. Oscar came to me and held me.

"Y/n stay with me!" Oscar yelled.

"Tell Andrea I love her" I coughed up blood

Oscars pov

Sad eyes got back and saw y/n. I picked her up and put her in the car. Sad eyes sped to the hospital.

We got to the hospital and I ran in holding y/n. They took her away and I waited to hear she was ok.

"What the hell happened?!" Sad eyes came up to me

"Mateo. I knew I should've killed him when I had the chance" Anger built up in me making me want to punch someone or something.

"I'm gonna kill him" I got up and started walking out but Sad eyes pulled me back.

"Y/n needs you right now so stay here me and the Santos will get him" I nodded sitting back down and Sad eyes left.


I sat in the waiting room thinking. My phone went off and saw it was Julianna

"Hello?" my voice was shaking

"Andrea is crying for you and
y/n" I heard Andrea crying in the back

"Bring her to the hospital"

"Are you sure?" Julianna asked with worry

"Yeah" I hung up and leaned back in the chair. Soon Julianna got here and Andrea ran to me.

"Daddy!" I picked her up and hugged her tightly.

"Where's mommy?" She let go of me

"Shell be back princesa" I kissed her head

"You can leave. Thanks for bringing her" I looked up at Julianna and she nodded

"If anything else happens call me" I nodded and she left.

"I'm here princesa" I said hugging her again


Andrea fell asleep in my arms. The doctor came out and I got up still holding Andrea.

"She's doing better. The bullet didn't go deep enough to kill her. She'll be able to go home tomorrow if everything is still ok. She's in room 156" I nodded and made my way to y/n's room.

I sat down and making Andrea wake up. She rubbed her eyes and looked at y/n. I put her on the bed and she grabbed her hand.

"Oscar" I heard y/n's raspy voice. I got up and kissed her head.

"Hola mi amor" she said while hugging Andrea. She looked at me and smiled.


Spooky's Girl? (BOOK ONE)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें