Monday Blues

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Scott groaned as he slammed the snooze button on the annoying alarm clock. Today was Monday. The day everyone hates. He slept again, not caring.

Stephanie had woken up early and did her normal morning routine. She messed up her eyeliner wing for the millionth time and was gonna break the mirror. When she finally did it, she sighed in relief.

Tony had stayed up all night, doing inventions. He stayed in bed and broke his alarm clock cause he was so tired. His bed felt like clouds from the heavens.

Bucky, Steve, and Sam were early birds. They eat breakfast, Bucky have his plums, and walks their way to school being the first.

Scott looked up at his alarm and gasped. He was gonna be late. Tony saw too. They got dressed quickly, Their hair...was kinda crazy, but who cares?

As they walked out their homes, Thunder crashes and rain dropped.

Stephanie had to put a bag on her head so she doesn't ruin her makeup, Scott got distracted by a cute kitten in a box that he was definitely gonna keep, and Tony ran away from a dog that hated him.

When Scott and Tony walked in, Stephanie was the first to be at her locker. Scott ran to her. "Stephanie!" He smiled. Stephanie took the bag off of her head and smiled. "Scott!" She hugged him tight and saw Tony. "Hey, Babe." She kissed his cheek.

"Um, did you do the homework? 'Cause i didn't, so can i copy yours?" Scott asked, hopeful. Stephanie's smile turned to a sly smirk. "I did do the homework, but I'll let you copy if you give me a piece of your orange slices." She said. Scott nodded and gave her a piece. She ate it and gave him the paper.

-Time Skip to class-

The classroom was quiet, that's because there was a test. Scott leaned back a little to 'stretch' and looked at Stephanie. She was only two seats away. He crumbled up a spare paper and threw it at her head while the teacher wasn't looking. She turned and saw him, knowing what he was gonna ask and looked. The teacher was busy on the computer. She glanced at Scott and nodded.

Scott grabbed a sticky hand from his pocket and threw it, making it stick to Stephanie's paper making a little slap sound. It brought back to him and copied her paper. Sam was next to him and copied as well.

It was time to turn in the test. They changed some of the answers so it wouldn't look to suspicious.

"I think we did good." Stephanie smiled

-At Lunch-

"Hold on, you cheated on a test?" Steve said in kinda of a shock while biting his sandwich.

"Yep, i forgot to study." Scott shrugged. Steve gave him a 'really' face, but smiled and wrapped his arm around him and kissed his head. "I love you, dork." Scott chuckled.

After School, Tony smiled at Stephanie. "Wanna hang out? We're going to the park." Stephanie sighed. "Sorry, guys, i have to go hit the books." She said. The guys had a sad face letting out an "aww" Stephanie grabbed a baseball bat and hit the books and threw the bat. "Okay, let's hang!" She smiled.

"YEAH!" They cheered.

Stephanie came home late, well not too late. She came home at about 6:30 pm. She looked around not seeing Wong reading a book, or Ancient One and Mordo drinking tea. She saw the time stone on the stand. She was warned not to touch it. Will it hurt her? or summon a demon?

She walked to it and put it around her neck.

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