4/6/2020 (10:12pm - 10:56pm)

6 0 5

Nos got ex schola ver confractus in March 6, 2020. Hodie est, April 6, 2020, et nos erant ' adhuc non retro in schola. Cum hoc virus primum erupit, mea tota familia erat mirari. Ego non video, avis meis amplius, quia mea avia super 60 et mea grandpa habet diabete. Mater mea non potest ire ad opus, vel quia habet quaestiones, cum illa pulmo.Schola esse cassari fecit ingens ictum in omnibus nobis. Ego manere 8 mane ad 4 post meridiem facere duis congue et doctrina novae materiae. Ego hoc facere omni die. Monday per Friday. Sabbato et dominica tantum diebus, quod non potest facere aliquid cum familia mea. Extra aut non.

In mundo fuit, donec per omnia hoc quoque. Nemo cogitavit hoc. Nemo erat paratus. Populus circa mundi sunt trepidans. Totum terrarum sunt questus clausa. UK, Singapore, Dubai, Panama, Peru, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Nova Zelandia, Arabia Saudiana, Columbia, India, Australia, Sinis, Iordanem, Argentina, Israel, Belgium, Unionis Europaeae, Germania, Malaysia, in Czech Republic, Gallia, Mauritania, Kenya, Hispania, Polonia, Cuvaitum, Hibernia, Norvegia, El Salvador, Dania, Italia, Canada, Lithuania, et Maldivae, North Korea, Turpis, Slovakia, Ucraina, et Croatia omnes habent aliquod ban, curfew, clausa fines, vel lockdown amet. Hodie, sunt 1,346,299 confirmavit casibus worldwide. Praeter quod, 276,636 populus recepit, et 74,679 mortui.

Ita est pium. Quisque vitae sit labefactata. Populus ita confusa, spero, hoc totum desinit mox.

We got out of school for spring break on March 6, 2020. Today is April 6, 2020, and we're still not back in school. When this virus first broke out, my whole family was surprised. I can't see my grandparents anymore because my grandma's over 60 and my grandpa has diabetes. My mom can't go to work either because she has problems with her lungs.

School being canceled has made a huge impact on all of us.  I have to spend from 8 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon doing homework and learning the new material. I do this every day. Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday are the only days that I can do anything with my family. Outside or not. 

The world has been a mess through all of this too. Nobody planned for this. Nobody was ready. People around the world are panicking. Whole countries are getting shut down. The UK, Singapore, Dubai, Panama, Peru, Thailand, Russia, South Africa, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Columbia, India, Australia, China, Jordan, Argentina, Israel, Belgium, the European Union, Germany, Malaysia, the Czech Republic, France, Morocco, Kenya, Spain, Poland, Kuwait, Ireland, Norway, El Salvador, Denmark, Italy, Canada, Lithuania, the Maldives, North Korea, Qatar, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Croatia all have some sort of ban, curfew, closed boundaries, or lockdown implemented. As of today, there are  1,346,299 confirmed cases worldwide. In addition to that, 276,636 people have recovered and 74,679 people have died.

So much is changing right now. Everyone's lives are being disrupted. People are so confused, I hope this whole thing ends soon.

So this is my first entry. Please for the love of god remember that I'm bullshitting my way through all of this cheesy shit. 

Also, this is gonna a very rough translation between the two languages. If you see anything wrong feel free to correct me in the comments. 

History AssignmentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora