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Troy and Dez tried calming me down and eventually I stared catching me breath.

Dez-y/n. I know that people bullied you. They bullied us too. But the boys did apologize to you. People started to stop bullying you after that
Troy-Josh is gone. He's gonna he in jail for years for what he did
Y-they still lies to me about who bullied me?!
Troy-because they've tried for weeks to get you to forgive them
Dez-you gotta talk to them babe. I've never seen you so happy with them
They hugged me for a while and I heard my door slam open and the boys were there breathless
Kairi-we. just.ran.all the way. here
He said breathless
Ale-y/n we're sorry that we didn't tell you the truth but we just were scared too
Mattia-we didn't want you to be scared of us again
Y-but you still lied.
Kairi-and we're sorry. But we waited for weeks for you to forgive us and we didn't want that too ruin the friendship we had with you.
Y-is that all that I need to remember?
Mattia-yes this is important, How do you feel about Pineapple Pizza?
Y-sounds disgusting
Mattia-fuck yes! Oh thank god!
Kairi-you owe me 20 bucks
Ale-no he doesn't!
Kairi-bruh I could have had 20 bucks!
We started laughing and the boys hugged me and we ordered pizza.
Y-I liked pineapple pizza?
Mattia-you loved it!
Dez-it was awful!
I started laughing while eating the pizza
Everyone was on my bed and I laughed down by Alejandro and put my head on his lap and he was playing with my hair
Ale-we good now
Y-yes we are. But if I get another memory of something and that y'all didn't tell me I'm kickin someone ass
Kairi-kick Mattia's. Your foot will just bounce back from all that cake he has
Mattia-you wish you had it bitch!
Kairi-let's make a TickTock of us throwing it back!
Dez-TikTok is wack!
Y-oh come on Dez. They'll probably get famous off it and all the girls would be drooling over them!
I started laughing
Mattia set up his phone on my dresser and he put on Calabria 2007 song and we did the dances. After that we all fell asleep.

I need some ideas!!!!

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