

mattia is walking over here


Kairi was nervous as hell, his hands were starting to get clammy and he can feel his cheeks getting warmer and warmer each step mattia took towards him and josh.

Wait, josh?... shit josh is here

If mattia talks to him about the whole incident between them, hes fucked. And if josh finds out that he didn't sent those text but instead that KAIRI sent them, he's mega fucked.

Why is he so stoopid ( top 10 questions scientists weren't able to answer )

" hey.. kairi you good bro?" He snapped out of his thinking process and glanced at josh for a split second before looking back at mattia who was only a couple feet behind him, he felt his breathing slow down.

Josh noticed this and was really concerned, wtf was kairi looking at? Why did he look so scared?

That's when josh was starting to look behind him, slowly just in case it was something really bad. Kairi noticed this and was starting to freak out, what do i do? I can't let josh see him, especially if I'm here!

Kairi then sprung into action and grabbed Josh's head, spinning it back to where it was facing him again and held it there. The taller was shocked and confused at why kairi just did that and was about to speak but as soon as his mouth opened kairi did the unexpected.

He kissed him

The shorters lips were pressed against his in a matter of seconds, josh's plump ones tensing at the harsh contact. They stayed like that for a while, until the curly haired male kissed back.

Kairis eyes flew open and looked at him, his eyes where fluttered shut and he looked relax, calm even. He was shocked, did josh like this? Did josh like him?? What was going on, i thought he liked Mattia... wait


He looked behind him and there he was, eyes wide open

I shouldn't be doing this


He kissed him

He fucking kissed him

Mattia felt like his head was spinning, he didn't know if what he just saw was real or not. He rubbed his eyes and looked back at them again and there they were, kissing.

He felt his mouth go dry, his palms were sweaty, and he almost dropped his drink, which he caught in time.

Kairi glanced at him and they locked eyes with each other again, mattias breathing had began to speed up. He saw his hands fall from Josh's head and down to his neck where he wrapped his arms around it, the tallers hands grasping at the shorters waist, gripping at the material of the neon orange hoodie he was wearing.

Mattia felt like he was burning up, his head was pounding and his hand that wasn't holding the drink was balled into a fist, his fingernails digging into his palm.

He was getting mad, and kairi only added fuel to the fire when he started pushing Josh's head down towards his neck, which he obeyed and started going to town on it. Kairi then threw his head back with his mouth parted slightly, Fuck he looked good.

That should be him, not josh

He should be the one kissing his neck

He should be the one kissing him

That should be me

Not josh

He threw his drink to the ground and was about to yell for kairi when he stopped

He was mouthing something to the taller

He squinted his eyes and focused on what he was trying to tell him, his brows furrowing at how hard he was concentrating. A couple of seconds go

He got it and he froze, his eyes going wide as he tried to process what that sentence ment.

Kairi smirked and lifted the other males head up, whispering something in his ear that caused josh to nod and take his hand, leading them upstairs. Kairi then smiled innocently as he then blew a kiss towards the Italian, giggling as he dissapeared with the curly haired male upstairs.

Mattia stood there, what else could he do, he couldn't do anything except to just stand there and think about what the fuck just happened.

He couldnt believe it, kairi kissed josh, and the crazy thing is josh kissed back.

He already knows what this means, that he lost kairi. He already lost josh, but he still had the shorter by his side, and that was all that mattered. Now, he's gone, he lost him.

He lost the both of them.

His eyesight was starting to get blurry and before he knew it, tears where falling from his eyes and down his cheeks. He then remembered his surroundings and quickly wiped them away, blinking rapidly to get rid of any tear residue.

Ima just head home

He put his beanie on and made his way towards the exit ( he pulled it outta his ass just in case y'all were wondering )

He stood outside and let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding, fluttering his eyes closed as he tried to forget the scene that happened inside.

He then shoved his hands in his pockets and proceeded to walk home.

It was silent tonight, it normally never is.

Why is that?

He didnt answer the question because all he can think of was the sentence kairi had mouthed to him, the sentence that caused him to freeze like that.

' i don't need you anymore, your dead to me '


Why would he say that?


And just like that, tears were starting to form, tipping over the brim of his lashes.

They dripped onto the italians cheeks, rolling down his skin. Mattia realized he was crying again but this time he didn't bother to wipe them away.

He didnt bother to care anymore, so

He just let the tears fall


This ones kinda sad but i mean, a story ain't good unless its a lil sad yk?

It gets happier i swear

Or will it👀

Keep reading and find out hoes cause I'm to lazy to tell y'all

Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter

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