Long Time No See

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The next day

I woke up and I got dressed put the uniform for kuoh academy on grabbed my guns put them in my shoes and I put my coat on over top of the blazer because I don't like it but I'm forced to wear it and so I walk downstairs made breakfast and I ate and walked to school

Ten minutes later
I made it to school and I went to my friend sona she's the president of the student council and I've known her for about two years anyway I knocked on the door and heard her voice
Sona: "yes who is it"
Senshi: "it's Senshi Karisu sona"
Sona: "ohh Karisu good to hear from you,come on in and let's chat for a bit"
Senshi: "fine but let me put my guns up in a locker"
Sona: "why did you bring those"
Senshi: "you know very well why sona,so don't ask"
Sona: "ohh yeah it's because those are the last two things you have of your family"
Senshi: "yeah that's right now put these in your drawer please" she took them and put them in the drawer and I sat down
Sona: "so how are those kids at the orphanage Senshi, I heard you've taken a liking to them"
Senshi: "they're doing good and sister Laura wanted me to stop by so I might as well,and I even gave them fifty thousand yen to hold them for a while"
Sona: "FIFTY THOUSAND, sorry but where did you get that kind of cash"
Senshi: "uhhh I was at the orphanage there is this gang up there I took their leader to the cops and got five hundred thousand yen,but gave fifty thousand to the orphanage"
Sona: "you must really like those kids"
Senshi: "yeah I do but that's not why I did it"
Sona: "don't tell me you actually took a shine to the sister of the orphanage"
Senshi: "no that's not it either,I did it because the kids needed help, and they look up to me so what kind of person would I be if I let them down"
Sona: she smiled "you always did live by those morals, help others that can't help themselves"
Senshi: I snickered "yeah I guess I'll never change sona" the bell rang and I went to class and I sat down and kicked my feet up and I heard the teacher come in
???: "hello I'm Kyra Karisu and I'm your new history teacher"
Senshi: "SIS WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOI..." my friend punched me I recoiled my head to look back at him
Senshi: "Danny your getting it after class"
Kyra: "and who might you be young man"
Senshi: "my name is senshi Karisu... long time no see ehh sis"
Kyra: "we will talk about this at lunch,now let's get strait to it"

Time skip lunch
So I'm waking to my sisters class I walked in and I saw some of the kids there with her
Senshi: "hey sis you ready,I've been dying to talk to ya"
Kyra: "yeah just one sec little bro" I took out one of my three burgers and put it on her desk
Senshi: "I'm glad I made extra today sis"
Kyra: "so Senshi where have you been"
Senshi: "here and there around the corner, you know I've been around the block sis"
Kyra: she hugged me "bro I was so scared after you left me alone,but I was adopted into a great family"
Senshi: "cool,I'm glad you found a place,I had to work for the things I've got and now I'm rich"
Kyra: "of course your rich you have your big sister to look after you"
Senshi: "okay then where do you live at sis"
Kyra: "in an apartment downtown"
Senshi: "ahh hell no not my sister,your moving into my house this week and I'm not taking no for an answer"
I poked around her pockets and found her key card
Kyra: "Senshi come on now don't go fondeling around in my pockets" she smiled and I hugged her and we talked about the things we did while I was gone and class started so I had to go to class
Time skip end of day

So I'm walking around the school and I went downstairs and I ran out the door and I drove to my sisters apartment and I knocked on the door and she came out in a white t-shirt and brown shorts

Kyra: "ohh good your here,and you got a truck nice"
Senshi: "thanks I got it for taking a gang leader to jail"
Kyra: her eyes got real wide "you took a gang leader to jail"
I pulled out my guns threw them up and grabbed the bullets and the guns
Senshi: "yeah the bastard tried to kill me and the kids at the orphanage out of town,so I killed thirty men and took their leader to jail,got five hundred thousand yen. Took care of the church with fifty grand and that's about it"
Kyra: "okay then let's get my stuff out of here"
So we spent the rest of the day taking her things to my house and only got half of it out but got the important things like her clothes and bath supplies and everything

Kyra: "well bro you got a nice set up around here"
Senshi: "yeah everything is up to date and I own the house now so yeah,it is a nice set up"
Kyra: "so where is the bathroom bro,I'm taking a shower"

So I went upstairs and showed her the bathroom and then walked outside and I threw some burgers on the grill and I made four burgers in the time ten minutes so about five minutes after I was done Kyra walked out with just her pants on and was shirtless
Senshi: "hey sis want a burger"
Kyra: "ohh shit!! I forgot you were here bro,look away"
Senshi: "why it's nothing to be shy about" I threw my shirt at her and she put it on
Kyra: "thanks little bro"
Senshi: I smiled and gave a thumbs up "nice"
Kyra: she slapped me "that's for looking" she then hugged me "that's because I love you"
Senshi: "awww she loves me, I love you too big sis,now if you'll excuse me I'm going to the garage"

so I went to the garage and picked up the black silver axe I've been working on (if you've watched the seven deadly sins it looks like rhita but the red and black version and it's name is alexander) and I put it on the grinder to sharpen it and I started swinging it around and I started doing acrobatics slashing as i jumped and flipped and I held it up to the sky

Senshi: "come forth my sacred moon" ice started to form around and froze my clothes and I made it disappear
Kyra: "nice one,was that an original made by Senshi"
Senshi: I closed my eye and cracked a smile "yeah, I named it Alexander for reasons nobody will understand"
Kyra: "okay then at least come back in when your done okay,good night"
Senshi: "good night" she walked back in the house "well I'm going to go pay Rias a visit tomorrow to wish her luck and the others so why not bring presents" so I stayed up all night making four things candy,an anti magic sword,a leather whip capable of conducting lightning and a wooden chess set I hand made and I put them all in a box and put them in a garbage bag and put it in the back seat of my truck and went to bed for the night

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