"Joe, no doubt." Simon answers. Joe cocked an eyebrow.

"Wow! I'm flattered!" Simon spins the bottle, landing on Pete.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare, bitch."

"I dare you to kiss the person to your left." Pete looks over, to see Morgan sitting next to him. I can't help but wish that he doesn't go through with it. He makes eye contact with me, quickly averting his eyes to the floor.

"Hand over the tequila." He mutters, holding his hand out.

"You're really gonna skip out on kissing someone, Wentz? That's like the easiest dare!" Joe complains, but pours the beverage into a plains red cup anyways, giving it to Pete. He downs it quickly, grimacing at the taste. The glass makes a clunking sound against the floor as it spins, landing on Grace.

"Truth or dare, Gracey?" Pete asks, reaching for a bottle to refill his cup. "D-Dare." She stuttered bravely. Pete looks around the circle.

"I dare you to kiss Pat, ten seconds straight, tongue and all." Pete smiles smugly at the Grace and Patrick, as they both blush and twiddle their thumbs. They make awkward eye contact as we all watch Grace crawl towards Patrick.

"Uh, you-you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Patrick stutters. "I ain't no fucking pussy." Grace curses before grabbing the collar of his shirt, smashing their lips. We all watch, cheering them on at the ridiculous situation they got themselves into. Once they're finished, I can't stop myself frim clapping, and Grace gives Pete kind of a fuck you look. Patrick is blushing so hard that'd you swear his face would permanently be that color. Before I know it, the bottle is spinning on the floor again, the neck of it pointing towards me, and I am asked the famous question.

"Chase, truth or dare?" Grace asks me, tapping her nails against her jean clad thighs.

"Truth." I answered not yet feeling brave enough or drunk enough to do a wild dare, such as kissing one of my friends like Grace and Patrick had earlier.

"Who was your first kiss?" I look over at Pete and we both share the same goofy smile.

"Pete." I answer truthfully, and honestly.

"What?" Morgan slurs, some how already drunk.

"It's true. She was my first too."

"How?" Andy asks.

"Well, it was around eighth grade year and-" Joe cuts me off.

"Damn, you didn't get your first kiss until eighth grade? That's just sad."

"Shut up! Anyways, it was eighth grade year at a house party this kid named Spencer threw. Remember that party?" Everyone nods their heads. "I only went to that party for one reason only."


I came here to have my first kiss. I came here with my friend group that I've officially known for a year, but we've all split up to different regions of the house. I can not even count how may times I've been made fun of for not having my first kiss, and have been called 'the kissing virgin', many times. It's gotten pretty old so I came here to lose my kissing virginity to anyone who will take it. Of course I'm not a care free hoe who will give it to anyone, I mean I will take into thought of who they are before jumping in there.

This party is literally just eighth graders, so there isn't any beer or drugs or anything like that. Just a few kissing games and some pizza. Nothing too exciting. I'm in a circle of people I don't even know playing seven minutes in heaven, hoping that I don't land on anyone too bad. I spin the bottle, clenching my eyes shut as everyone waits for it to stop. I hear a few gasps, and I'm really anxious to open my eyes. Why did they gasp like that? Did I get someone bad? Crud! Who'd I get? I open my eyes and look at where the neck of the bottle is pointed. A kid gets up from the circle to open a closet door.

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