Chapter 10: Bodies

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With burning interest, I cautiously urged our horses toward the now small enemy. We passed bodies and bodies of soldiers dressed in black: Seth's soldiers.

Then I saw a body that made my stomach turn. I thought I recognized the soldier with the long brown hair looking similar to mine sticking out of the helmet. With the help of other soldiers, I moved the dead horse and realized the horse was a white mare.

"Oh god!" I breathed at the sight with the crown on the helmet. The soldier was my mother. "MOM?" I shouted, shaking her.

"Elizabuth." She mumbled. Her shaking hands took off her helmet and the soldiers around her dismounted their horses to take off their helmets in respect. Her hands opened with a necklace with beads shining with sliver. "This is a special piece for a queen like you." She explained.

Those beads were magical and had the power to predict the future. They also could make a queen immortal if the deceased ruler Soth blessed you. My dark brown eyebrows dropped as my mother gave me the beads and her eyes closed. They never opened again and they never would. The so called aunt I extremely underestimated that lead me all this way; who taught me to find my true self and my acceptance of what happens. Could I go on? Could I live forever? I would soon know.

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