Midnight Madness

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(A/N this chapter is in K.O Perspective)

"Yeah I'll be home in a bit...yeah, love you too mom...alright bye." I then ended the call and proceeded on finishing the last few tasks before clocking out.
I hummed out a catchy tune as I put the final box of the day away, "Finally! Done for the day!" I exclaimed to myself. There was no response, but it was ok, nobody was here with me anyway so I usually tend to talk to just myself during these moments.
I walked to the bulletin board and wrote my name, the date, and the time- 1:55 AM, pretty late, but that is just the normal part of working at Gars. If I was 8, I probably would've been out of the store by 6 maybe 7 at the latest and 8 year old me would've been scared shitless if it was just myself in the store at this time at night. However I ain't 8 anymore, I am a grand 17 years old about to be 18. Anyway, I am use to being out at this time of night, mainly since mom trusts me enough nowadays being out this late, just as long as I either call or text her that I am on my way home.

I grabbed my duffle bag and water from this morning workout and headed out to my car. As I close the doors of the store I feel my phone vibrate from my pant pocket and grabbed it to see who it might be. As my phone brightened, I saw that it was non other than my girlfriend Dendy who was texting.

Dendy 💚
Good evening KO, mind if we call each other and discuss random topics?

I immediately smiled at the text. It is crazy to know that me and Dendy have been together for almost 3 years now, but not only am I dating a really hot kappa but I am also dating an intelligent, beautiful, and caring kappa who is not only my girlfriend, but my friend for life. I begin to text back.

Sure thing! :D

As soon as I send that text my phone rings. I pick it up and laugh, "Hey Dendy!" On the other end I hear her voice filled with excitement, "Hello KO, what are you doing right now?" Just as she says that I hold my phone on my left shoulder as I grab the keys to the store and lock the double doors, "oh nothing just closing up shop, about to head home, you?" "I am currently on my computer doing research on some universities I am planning to attend," Already? Wow, we usually don't look at that stuff until the end of the year! "Already planning ahead I see? Heh knew you were already think beyond the now." As I put the keys in my right pocket I turn to the driveway to see my car...and another car parked at the very end of the parking lot. "Huh? That weird?" "Is something the matter KO?" I had realized that I was still on the phone, "huh? OH-" as I begin to walk to my car I pulled out my other set of keys for the car, "nah nothing...it's just that there is another car here but none of the other stores are open." "Maybe it is broken car?" I took one good look at it, didn't look broken to me, "Hmmmmm....I don't know Dendy." I then went into my car and threw my bag to the other seat and began to put my keys in as Dendy began to change the topic, "So there is the one college and-" just as my car starts I hear the other car start and I feel the immediate sense of wrong. "Hey Off topic Dendy, but- the other car just started." There was silence on the other line for a moment, "excuse me what?" I breathed in and out slowly, trying to ease my anxiety that was beginning to build up, "Yup the other car here started once I started the car." I can tell Dendy too felt like something was off, but she was feeling a optimistic and dismissed it saying it was maybe someone I didn't have to worry about. Still my mind was already on alert.

As I headed off, I began to listen to Dendy talk about one of her dream schools, as I was about to turn to the road, I looked at my mirrors and surely enough the car moved when I moved and  as I turned right, it followed me. I can feel my anxiety swell up like a water balloon, thinking of all the possibilities and began zone out on every other thing besides that car.
"KO!" I jumped to Dendy screaming my name completely coming back to my senses. "Huh? Y-Yeah?" "Are you ok you sorta just...zoned out on me?" I can sorta hear a hint of worry in her voice which made me never the more gain more anxiety. As I saw a red light coming closer and closer, I began to panic because now  the other car moved to the next lane. "Hey Dendy can I ask you for a favor?" I don't know why but I had a feeling of doing this mainly cause it felt right, "Of course Ko, what is the favor I owe you?" I began to slow down as I neared the light, "Please stay on the phone with me- I'm about to stop cause of a light and the car moved to the next lane and I have a bad feeling about it." Immediately after my plea both of the cars finally stopped at the dreaded red light, "of course I will!"
I turned to my left to the car. The windows were black and tinted, so I couldn't see who was driving it. The car look brand new with it shine, and whoever owned it must be rich since this car seems to be custom made so why are  they targeting me? My car is my mother old car she gave me so she can get a new one. Its been through better days, and I work a normal job as an employee, so why target me.
As I questioned this, that all stopped when I heard a noise. I turned to my left to see the drivers door begin to slowly open, I felt my heart race and head bead with sweat,  "Hey Dendy-the driver is getting out what do I freaking do?!" "What?!" Just as she said that the window broke as I huddled down and screamed. Fear began to wash down on me on what was about to happen, "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Was all I heard as a hooded figure ran and opened my door. The person pulled me out as they began to beat me. I tried to fight back but then I heard a gunshot.
I fell back in pain as my side felt burned. Tears began to roll down my eyes as I closed my eyes and prayed that somebody would find me. That someone will drive by or hear the commotion and help me. That didn't happen. I then felt someone grab my cheeks as I opened my left eye slightly to see a figure, "why does it look familiar?" Then I couldn't breath. The figure forced some cloth on my face and I began to try and free myself but my body began to feel prickly and numb, and my vision was getting blurry. I began to feel really really tired. I tried to stay awake, but the smell, the pain, the heaviness. It all felt like I was going to die.
"Please....Someone...help...us..." Slowly my vision tunneled to darkness.

Hey guys, I hopped you enjoyed this chapter it was pretty fun to make especially it being a rewritten fic. Next chapter will be a continuation of this chapter, so buckle up fam, it's gonna be wild. Stay tuned!

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