The Fall

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He is small but not frail. He is trained for this. He grabbing his pails and stick, heading off in the direction down the mountain. The only mountain that belonged to the poor and sick. The lowlanders. Even with the brutal snow on the ground, his teacher wouldn't feed him until he could get 2 pails of water without half the pail draining through the hole in the bottom for it is a race against time. If he moved to fast he lose most the water from spilling, but if movement was to slow, the pail would drain before he reached the top. Only for him to run back down again. He set the pails down in the water. Catching a glimpse of his own reflection, he seen his eyes sore. Maybe tonight he would sleep.

"Who needs parents if they treat you like that?" The reflection said wiping the redness from his eyes.

"We all do!" He responded. "He's trying to toughen us up!"

The reflection sighed back, shaking his head, "He doesn't need to hit you, you did nothing wrong. Look at our arm." The boy looks down. His arm red, cover in black bruises.

"It's training!"


"I'm going to be an assassin just like him! So I have to."

"You can be a million other things Akara. But you're choosing to be a nuisance to him!"

"No I'm not!" He said grabbing the pails of water and carefully heading up the mountain, leaving his reflection behind him.


"Boy" Master said not looking up from the book he was writing in.

"Yes sir?" The young one tensed up. In fear of what he might say.

"You washed your clothes before walking in here yes?"

"Yes sir" he responded.

"Then get ready, wait outside and I'll be right there"

He nodded stripping from his inside clothes and slipping into heavy gear. Pads and weights hanging off of his limbs as he strongly walked to the back yard where he was waiting. Remembering what he did in sessions before he felt his finger gliding over the pitch black ring he wore as a necklace. It's the only thing he had he didn't have to share. Master shared his house, his clothes, his time, his words. The boy never wanted anything else, but to give him this. It was to big for his finger but Master spoke to never take it off.

Looking at the pillow of snow he had to stand in, he thought about every action he's taken to get to this moment.

Did I speak to loudly, or did he think I mumbled. I didn't mean to. Or was it the buckets or was I-

"Here." Master was back cutting off all his thoughts as his eyes snapped to the ground again. Turn it off. You do not think towards Master. He will know. To think towards Master will make oneself seem superior to him. For you are not. He glanced at Master's face, it was blank as he never sensed hostility. Akara look down at the staff on the snowy floor in front of him though he did not dare to move. He wasn't told he could yet.

"There is something I must tell you" Master said, "And this one might not come easy" the boy nodded in acknowledgment. "Do you remember the name Teka?"

He thought hard. Teka. A place? No a woman. But from where he thought. Why would master ask about a girl? At a time like this, why?

Their eyes met for the first time as his Master's held a hint of sorrow. He only saw for a second before diverting his eyes.

Why was master sad?  He thought, Is it something I have done? Have I disobeyed him? I haven't touched the staff he's given me.

"It is alright if you don't." He reassured but his tone was angry. "Pick up your weapon"

Akara did what he was told.

"Take your stance" the anger more present than before.

He did what he was told. Master's thoughts were taking over his actions. Fear spiked his scenes as he tighted his grip. Akara knew that if he was showing the slightest bit of anger it's just the 20 times more of rage Kenny was hiding.

That isn't Master. They share a face, but Kenny must be avoided at all cost.

Akara raised his staff without order but never looked Kenny in the eyes. He felt the heat of rage grow but he knew. It was bait. He needed something wrong to happen.

Look at him and he might snap. Focus on the ground in front of him instead and wait. Do not make the first move. Do not breath until he moves first. Do not blink until he moves first. After that, get away. Far away but not too far out of reach.

He has made safe zones for a reason. For this reason alone. Life first, punishment may come later but life is top priority. That's what Master has thought him. Just keep living-

With a swift movement, Kenny has moved. But to where. Akara's eyes searched the snow in front of him for any sign. No footprints, no sent.

The hell did he go? He was just there and he's not behind me.

The rage that lingered in the air thickened as it pressed his shoulders. It's hold so great he couldn't breath in it nor could he move. Gravity dragged him to his knees by the neck while the cold of snow greeted him. With his hands raised to his thoat, he was willing to puncture a hole himself to let the air enter. With the freezing air, it didn't help his lungs straining to become one with it. Tears started to fill his eyes as the pressure created an agonizing ringing in his ears, irritating him to the bones. It was so frequent and so loud the sound alone made him feel if it would never stop.

Is this the power of Kenny's pure rage alone? This terrifying aroma all from him? Not an ounce of blood lust just anger. But that alone he thought could kill him.

His vision blurred within the minutes that must of passed. He wondered why? Why him? Is he okay with going this way?

With his questioning, his gut told him to look up. When he did, his eyes saw a shape of a woman. He didn't recognize her and he didn't see her now but her present was there. Was she here to help him? He asked. His vision already fading, he made out only features as she got closer.

Red hair? He thought like mine?

Her hair the only warmth and color in the world of snow. So warm she could have walked with flowers trailing behind her from melted snow. The power of the sun on her shoulders. Her bronze skin shine dispute the sun being hidden behind the snow and clouds. She kneeled down in front of him, his suffering now unbearable. So unbearable he convinced she must be from the gods themselves to take his soul with her milky eyes.

"You aren't ready my child and that's fine" I smile spread from her lips but didn't reach her eyes. "If you truly want to be whole again you must face him."

Whole? He wanted to asked as tears filled his eyes. His voice not audible. Her hand slowly reached his cheek, bringing the warmth he so desperately needed. She slowly reached down to his neck and to the ring. It danced on her fingers, weightless, but yet sounded like shackles with the ring as the iron ball. The warmth was intensifying the farther she pulled the ring away. It gave him a panic, was the warmth from him or her?

"You will feel this agony again, and as many times as you need to for you to understand"

Understand what?

"To understand The Fall" she spoke and the world around him fell to darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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