Finale of Courage

Start from the beginning

"Wh- Kimiko!" But it was too late. She had already jumped over the short wall and headed into the field. She turned to the five who were out of the battle. I can't help all of them... But maybe I don't have to.

Heliorosa flew up to dive bomb on the two, but they were able to dodge.

"Hissatsu Function!"

"Attack Function, Double Ray Wing."

Odin Mk2 transformed into its jet form while Achilles D9 took a ride. Their synchronized energy combined to form a golden phoenix and clashed with her head on. But she took no damage.

"You don't know how it feels to suffer loss! You know nothing about it!"

"We know!" Ban argued. "That's why having friends around is such a wonderful thing!"

Heliorosa and Odin Mk2 clashed, countered, and parried off of each other. Eventually, she managed to knock his shield away before taking out Achilles D9's blades.

"Hiro, next..."


"Next, we'll take up all of her grief!"

"... Yes!"

Achilles D9 dodged Heliorosa's lunge and managed to grab on to its midsection. With the extra weight, it had trouble flying as fast as it used to, making it easier for Odin Mk2 to clump together with the two.

"You think you're smart...!" Heliorosa continued to struggle.

"Ban! Hiro!" Ran came to their side. "Eve helped me out. Minerva Kai!" She hopped onto a higher wall, taking in the scene before her. "What should I do...?"

"Ran, attack along with our LBXs."

"What? Seriously?!" Minerva Kai hesitantly pointed its blasters up. "Are you sure?"

"This is our chance to take it down! Fire now, Ran!"

She gritted her teeth and aimed, but instead of shooting, its boosters charged up. "Like I thought, I can't!"

"You bastards...!"

Minerva Kai joined the ball of tangled machine limbs and the three of then brought Heliorosa down.

Break over.

Eva sighed in relief. Thank goodness... Ran really was the best choice. She thanked the Jin in her timeline for telling her all about the chaos they went through in the Infinity Net.


"I'll make you taste the bitterness of defeat!" The flower disappeared as she flew up, allowing them vision of the battered soccer players. Kimiko was helping them to their feet, her eyes glowing, but also twitching.

"You really think we'll lose?" Shindou taunted.

The aura turned into ribbons, entering the ball she had. "All of you..." Another burst of energy pierced through the diorama above them and brought the pieces down into the ball, creating a dark energy field. "Disappear!" She kicked the ball back down to the field.


"She's going to erase everything!" Otacross panicked.

"This isn't just chaos in space-time, the entire world will vanish!" Professor Yamano stated.

"Is there anything we can do?" Takuya muttered, frustration clear in his voice.


"Here it comes!" Nishiki warned.

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