9. Royal Court [AU] Part 3

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You’re sitting on a bench, basking in the summer sun that fills the courtyard; next to you is one of the stable boys, William. He’s making you laugh and smile and for the first time since Liam broke it off, he makes you feel valuable.  “…And before he knew, the pony had tipped him off” he finishes his story, making you laugh, “What’s so funny?”  A voice behind you startles the two of you. Turning you see Liam accompanied by the Italian Countess, Giselle. “Your Majesty” the boy stands quickly bowing to the two of them,  “I was just telling Y/N a story about the French diplomat” the boy looks down at you with a fond smile, something you endeavour to return. Liam continues to look between the two of you, expression unreadable as the woman takes a step closer to him, capturing his attention.
“The stable boy seems nice” Liam comments as you enter his chambers, tray balancing on your hands.  “So does Giselle” you can’t help the bitter comment and you know it’s out of line, but with everything that had happened between you and Liam, you don’t think you care anymore. “She is… Does that bother you?” he asks and you consider turning and leaving but for once you want to fight a battle, so you ignore his question, “Does it bother you that William is nice?” you ask and he’s thoughtful for a moment before breathing out a simple “Yes”. “Why?” you ask, crossing your arms over your chest. “Because I want you” he says truthfully and you realise just how much you weren’t ready for this confrontation. “You had me” your confident facade gone. “And I lost you” he steps towards you, sadness evident in his voice. “Because I can’t give you everything” you tell him, “because I can’t give you everything” he counters, “I would do anything to trade positions with him. To be able to marry you because all that matters is our love, to have children, live our lives out together” and you can imagine that life, it seems so close.  “Why can’t you do that?” you ask, this time stepping towards him, reaching out to break the distance between the two of you. To feel the touch you’ve been craving.  “Because I have to do what’s right for my country” but he moves a little closer again, as if his words mean nothing. “And how do you know I’m not right” you ask. “I don’t” the words ghost over your lips.

Kitchen Worker/Princess
You endeavour to push all thoughts of Harry from your mind, ignoring the perfect crunch of the bread served at breakfast that you’re sure he helped with, or the fruits lining the long table. After a few days it appears to be working well, the boy vanishing into nothing but a “one time I made friends with the kitchen hand”. Until you find the wicker basket sitting in front of your door; The contents being three shining apples and a short written note.  These three are without imperfections… made me think of you. Enjoy your majesty, Harry. The handwriting is smooth, more elegant that you would have expected for someone of his status. You pick up the first apple and examine it and he’s right, it’s perfect. You take a bite; feel a pang of guilt over Harry before trying to push the boy from you mind.
The extravagant hall makes you feel a little dizzy, the lights a little too bright, the laughter a little too loud, yet you let the man spin you around in his arms. “Of course our gardens aren’t as extravagant over in Denmark” the man continues with the conversation you’re only pretending to listen to, mind on the note Harry had left you. “Excuse me” you tell the man, pushing away form him and hurrying towards the closest door. You hold your dress up as you run down the stairs of the courtyard, pushing the door to the kitchen open. But it’s empty, the workers having retired for the night. Still, you’re in no mood to return to the party so you take a set at the wooden bench. “Y/N” the voice asks, and you trun to see harry, his face worried, “I heard the door shut, thought maybe the goats got in again. What are you doing here?” he asks. Suddenly all words are gone, You’re not sure why you’re here, you’re not sure why you even wanted to see him, you just know that you did. “ I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk?” you ask. You’re standing in the middle of a kitchen, in a dress worth your weight in gold, asking the boy who works in the kitchen for a walk and his smile makes you forget it all.  

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