Chapter 3

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It was now Saturday. I was excited to hang out with the girls and the boys. Of course I wanted them to get closer with the girls, I feel like we would have a nice friendship and strong bond if we get to know each other more.

I bought my rattan bag then headed out. Mom and Dad were busy, obviously, but we ate breakfast together which made me feel a lot better.

I met Kikuchi and Aoki by the intersection then we went to the local store where Kikuchi and I bought accessories. We bought Sudou a necklace, then we bought casual purple hand-knitted bracelets for ourselves and the other girls.

Our meeting time was 1 PM, but it was now 1: 43, apologies, Captain.

When we arrived, we could already hear the laughter and music. Sudou's house is very spacey. They had a backyard where we usually play volleyball when we visit.

"You guys are late!" Sudou complained when we arrived.

We handed her our gift and her mood suddenly changed. As expected, she won't be upset at us for long.

"The guys are already outside. Watabe and Sasaki couldn't make it, they had a family event, but they sent pizza."

When we got out, the boys were sitting on a large mat with cushions. There was a large table by the door where there were candies, cola, pizza and pasta.

My eye caught Noya. His back was facing me and he was talking to Asahi. 

"He's wearing the anklet." I thought to myself.

Asahi pointed at me and Noya turned. Noya smiled then walked towards me.


That single word always gets me. He pinched my cheek and I poked his waist. Its a good thing I know where to tickle him.

"You're wearing the necklace." He said.

I smiled at him. "You're wearing the anklet."

Sudou then brought out her cake. It was a double-layer vanilla cake, her favorite. Daichi brought out a match then lit the candles. We chanted 'happy birthday' and the girls and I were recording her. After the blowing of cake, we went back inside to help her bring out the food.

"Oh wow, there's actually more." Kikuchi commented and we laughed.

There were chicken drum sticks, sushi and fries.

"My parents prepared this a while ago before leaving. They knew you guys are good eaters." Sudou said and we jokingly cleared our throats.

We all ate together in the mat while talking about things. There were times I just wanted to lean against Noya's shoulder but the food was too delicious I might have ignored him for a while.

After eating, they decided to play a game but Noya and I stayed in the mat. I was leaning against a cushion and he was laying down on my thigh. I played with his hair. Sometimes, I secretly braid the blonde part of his hair.

"So, have you told your parents already?" He asked.

I sighed. "Not yet. They're stressed out lately. I'm trying to find the right timing. You?"

He chuckled. "My grandfather was aware the moment I started to like you up until now."

I giggled. It must be relieving to let your family know.

"I'm sorry. I promise, I'm going to tell them soon." I said.

He held my hand. "Don't worry, take your time."

Tanaka and Kikuchi suddenly cleared their throats. "Hello? We're going to need two more players, specifically Mira and Nishinoya."

Noya and I laughed. Eventually, we joined them. We played a mini game of volleyball, took turns playing the kendama where the loser gets his or her face drawn and card games.

"Daichi, when's your match with seijoh?" Sudou asked as we sit in the mat. The sun was now about to set.

"Next week and then finals the following day." He said.

I looked at them and saw the determination in their faces. I can feel it. I have a feeling that they can do it.

"Are you guys going to watch?" Suga asked.

"Of course!" Kikuchi exclaimed.

Then they all smiled. I looked at Noya and he looked determined at the same time excited. Well, I would love to watch him play. Its going to be a different feeling watching from the bleachers above.

We helped Sudou clean up then around 7 PM, we all said our goodbyes. Kikuchi and I walked with Aoki, Noya and Tanaka and then separated with Aoki in the intersection.

Then I suddenly remembered something. At first, I didn't want to ask Noya, but I was curious.

"Noya, have you played with Nekoma yet?" I asked.

He looked at me. "Yeah, for practice matches. Why?"

"I know two of their players. They were my childhood friends."

When I said that, even Tanaka glanced at me. Noya raised his brows.

"Really? Who?" He asked.

"Their team captain and setter."

Noya and Tanaka looked at each other with suspicious faces. It looks like they know them.

"Huh, what a small world." Tanaka commented.

A few minutes later, we parted ways as we reached our street. When I got home, there was already food in the table but Mom and Dad weren't there.

"I'm home!" I called.

They went down together. I thought maybe they were working, but they still wanted us to have dinner together. I felt relieved. They waited for me.

When we sat on the table, I figured it would be the time to tell them about Noya.

"Um, Mom? Dad? I have something to tell you." I started.

They looked at me. "What is it, Mira?" Dad asked.

I cleared my throat and breathed. "So, there's this boy I like and he likes me too." I started.

They looked at each other. I guess they already know where this is heading.

"Okay, go on." Mom said. I was shocked at what she said. Usually when I'm saying suspicious things, she'd cut me off.

"Its nothing very serious yet. We just have relationship. He's also part of the volleyball team." I added.

Dad smiled. "Well, I guess that's why you like him. You have something in common."

I looked at Mom and it looks like she's trying to find the right words to tell me.

"Desi, I just want the best for you. I want you to be happy, but I hope you don't get distracted. Always have your responsibilities first, okay?" She said.

I exhaled then smiled at both of them. "Yes, Mom. I promise."

After dinner, I immediately took a shower then went to bed.


I felt like my sleep was short because I woke at 6 AM. When I went down, Mom and Dad were talking in the table. When they saw me, they stopped talking. They're acting suspicious.

"You're up early." Mom said.

I shrugged. "I don't know myself."

I grabbed milk from the fridge and poured myself a glass.

Mom went to me and cleared her throat. I looked at her with a face.

"You're acting weird, Mom." I told her.

I saw Dad gesture a hand at her, like encouraging her to do something.

When I was drinking my milk, Mom suddenly spoke.

"Grandma called. She wanted us to go to Maldives this semester break."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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