Chapter Four.

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I sighed, and put my head on the desk. "Finished!" I proclaimed to myself. "At last!"

"It's not healthy to talk to yourself, dear," Ravenclaw's portrait said.

"Bleh," was all that I replied. I raised my head. "I'm going on a holiday." I stood, and turned to the portraits. "Please, I want Professor McGonagall as temporary Head, but nobody but her is to know that I'm not here, everybody is to assume I'm here. Phineus, if anybody is to be at the door, I want you to go to Grimmauld Place, and inform me so I can go back, understood?"

"And what if I don't feel like it?" he asked boredly.

"I'm a pyromaniac," I told him, winking. "I will enjoy seeing you in the utmost pain, and yet, nothing really happening."

His eyes widened at the threat, before nodding shakilly. Ah, threats :3

"Very good then, and if I'm not there, please tell said person I went for a walk around the castle, and that I shall be back soon," I said. "Now, one of you please go inform Minerva. Goodbye." I disapparated, and appeared behind Sirius. Not a crack was made. I smirked, and brought my index figure to my lips, to tell Molly to not notice me. She looked back off towards her cooking. I put a blindfold and gag on him. He started choking.

"Sirius Black," I said, changing my voice a lot. "After so long . . . you've been caught."

He started struggling, and he turned around, his lips found mine, and my stomach did a flip, sadly. I pushed him back with my hand. "Bro, kissing your enemy isn't what you do," I said, rolling my eyes, taking off his blindfold, and gag.

He turned bright red. "That was a total accident," he muttered, still blushing.

I laughed at him, then leaned forwards. "I always knew that you still loved me," I whispered into his ear. "Well, hello Molly, thank you so very much for being cooperative."

She smiled at me. "It was the least I could do," she said. I walked over, and hugged her.

She used to be babysat by my birth Mum, and Granddad introduced us. I was the god-mother of the Percy and the twins, which is why I loved the twins so much (I don't really know Percy), though neither twin know such things (Percy doesn't know either). We hadn't met before Bill and Charlie were born. I mean, Bill started at Hogwarts a year after we left Hogwarts, and Charlie not too long after.

We pulled apart, and she examined me. "You haven't changed a bit in appearance since I last saw you."

"You saw me a couple of years ago," I reminded her. "I wouldn't have changed that much."

"Details," she said airilly. "Sirius, be a dear and can you chop those onions?"

"Of course," Sirius said, clearly glad he could do something. I know Molly was fully capable of doing such things herself, but it seemed she was just giving him work. Amusingly, he was still bright red from his failure.

I walked over to the kettle, and lit a fire. As I waited for the water to boil, I grabbed a cup (I had been here so many times- Regulas had invited me over during the holidays - I knew where everything was, and it did help that nothing really had changed), and put coffee inside. I got impatient, and boiled it myself, then put the boiling water into the cup, then four sugar (and I would have put heaps in had it not been taken off me), and at last, milk.


I like coffee.

It's great.

Though, only when it's coffee flavoured sugar, well, three or more sugars.

"Oh look, it's Kreatcher," I mused without turning around. Before I knew it, I had the little bugger on my leg.

"Miss Peverell! Mistress would be happy to see Miss Peverell."

"I bet," I replied, before turning around, to see a surprised looking Sirius and Molly.  "What?" I asked them, before walking over to cupboard, and pulling out a compartment, and threw out whatever was in there, and waited for it to come back out.

"Why would he like you?" Sirius's voice asked as I did such things.

I grabbed a bag of new cookies, and closed the cupboard, before standing and shrugging. "All the Black's like me," I said. "Even Bellatrix after a while. Don't ask what happened, and I didn't kill anybody either." I took a seat at the table.

"How do you know where everything is?" Sirius asked. "You apparently know more about it than I do."

I chuckled. "I've been here many times. Kreacher, would you please get off my leg?"

"Yes Miss!" he yelped, before getting off.

Sirius sneered.

"Sirius, be nice," I told him.

"Headmistress!" I heard Phineus call in a sarcastic manor.

"Are you kidding me?" I called back, before standing. "Please inform whoever the hell it is that I was currently in the bathroom."

"Yes," he replied.

I smiled. The only Black that I've met that doesn't like me. Never did, him. He thought I was always a suck up, and meh, I don't really care. "Bye, see you soon enough," I said, before disapparating into the bathroom in the Head's office, flushed the toilet, cleaned my hands (as you do), dried them, and walked out, seeing a less than happy McGonagall.

"You can't just leave the school unannounced, and leave somebody else in charge, with nobody else knowing, only coming back if others come into your office!" she snapped.

"Well, it was either leave, announced and leave Umbridge in charge, leave, unannounced, with somebody I trust in charge. And not leaving really wasn't an option, I have other work as well."

Like that had anything to do with this.


"Ministry of New Zealand."

I'm just leading this woman on now.

"Oh fine," she sighed.

I grinned. "Thank you!" I cheered like a nut. "Cool, I have to go now."

She nodded, and I disapparated to Grimmauld Place, where I sat back down, and drank le coffee and ate le cookies.

"Join the Dark Side," I grinned evilly as Sirius turned around at the noise. I made the candles go out (Molly had finished cooking it seemed). "We have cookies."

Well, that was rush righting at its best, because this was the only chapter I have ever written in an hour o.o which is why it's short. So, erm, sorry about that terrible SiriusxHarley scene. Will there be more? Will they better than that if there is?

Probably not. In what way though ? ^___^

Until tomorrow! I'd like to say it's 8 minutes past 7 in the morning, and I have no idea what's wrong with me ...

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