Chenry moment

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Henry POV
We rush her into the man cave. I didn't let go of Charlotte. "Ray, how is she?" Schwoz asked. "She was raped and beaten" I told him. "Hook her up to the machine," Schwoz said. I didn't want to let her go. "Kid we have to examine her." Ray said. I hesitated "ok" I set her down. Schwoz got her hooked up. "Is she going to be okay?" I asked. "Yes, she just needs rest." He answered. He examined her "She broke her leg. No internal bleeding." He said. "Call us when she wakes up," Ray told me knowing I won't leave her side. I just nod and held her hand. Two hours later she began to stir.
Charlotte POV
I woke up with a painful headache. I jumped when I noticed I was holding Henry's hand. "Char, guys she's awake!" Henry yelled. "Henry you came." I said. "I will always come for you trust me," our lips were inches apart but Schwoz Jasper and Ray came running over. Henry stepped back, but he held onto my hand. They all took turns hugging me. Schwoz tested me. "I gave her birth control just in case." Schwoz said. "Did he rape you?" Ray asked. "I don't remember most of it. But yes when I woke he was on top of me," I answered. Henry tightened his grip on my hand. "She needs to stay here till her leg heals." Schwoz said. "She can have my room" I said I moved into the man cave so I can help fight crime.
                Charlotte POV
      I felt so much pain when they moved me into Henry's room. Everyone walked out I grab Henry's hand. "Hen please don't leave," I said. "I wasn't planning on it let me close the door." He smiled. He did and layed down next to me. "I am happy your back," he whispered as we watched a movie. I look up looking up into his eyes. "I will never leave you." He said wrapping his arms around me pulling me closer to him. "Hen what are you doing?" I asked. "Char, when you were taken I realized that I don't think of you as a friend." He said. "What are you saying?" I asked. "Charlotte Hope Page, I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said with a smile. He gave me his famous smile. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I want to kiss you, is that okay?" He asked. I nod he kissed me lightly. I felt fireworks. He pulled away "That felt amazing." I said. "Then this will fell more amazing." He leaned in again.

Charlotte is a survivor Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant