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I hear her come into the house. I am foolish to think that she will ever come for me, but a man can only dream. I decide to eavesdrop on her conversation with Stefan. "I did it Stefan! I fed from a rabbit! It..." she breaks down into giggles. I have to stop listening to these conversations. It pains me to hear her affection for someone who isn't me. It pains me to know that I am not the first on she comes to. But at least she's happy. I guess that's all I can try to give her now.

I could see her as a vampire who feeds from the vain. She'd have fun. She and I traveling the world for eternity. Having our share of humans. Yes she should be mine.

As the festivities and celebrations downstairs draw to a close, I hear Elena close a door. Her cough is filled with blood. She's not transitioning well. I need to help her. I must help her.


The moment I enter the Salvatore home, I know it won't be just me and Stefan. Damon's upstairs pacing and brooding. Typical. As I see my love I tell him the good news. Today was the first day I fed independently. I chased the rabbit. I fed. And then I coughed up all the blood I took. I'll leave the last part out. I can see true joy in Stefan's face. He pops open a blood bag and pours it into a whiskey glass. "To Elena. As she embraces her vampirism and becomes stronger everyday. I hate having to lie to him, but I manage to choke it down. I smile excuse myself and go to the bathroom to cough it up. There has to be another way. I can't live like this.

I know Stefan will do anything to help me.But he won't understand. Perhaps I should consult Damon. For once he might be more helpful then Stefan.

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