You think, You choose

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Senses and emotion
Feelings and notion
Hatred and devotion
Sinking in a pond
Or swimming in an ocean
Up to you to decide
Okay with being devoid
Or your hunger you can't hide
Pain you want to show to outside
Or even with wounds
Over the clouds
You want to ride
It's your brain you can use
Your every thought
You yourself choose
But if you fail
If you lose
Easy to blame fate
And find an excuse
Strength of your thinking
You raise and you reduce
It's all about your brain
Being lost, being stuck
In smallest of pain
Or to feel, to cherish
Every drop of rain
A race to gain, to attain
To be wealthy, healthy
To be famous or rich
Or thinking about
Those scratches to stitch
Or in dullness of despair
To the faded faces
To On the switch
If you gain, If you win
By what you think
And when you lose, you sink
By what you think
Then who to blame?
How you think, you get same
Your dreams,your perception
Delusion and deception
You perceive, you believe
You make and you fake
It's just your choice
That in your brain what to form
An image of a wide lake
Or a desert with sandstorm
A smooth passage or road
Or on your shoulders
Pressure of that load
That you can't hold
A sky full of stars you can imagine
Or can cry on your loss
In the night so dark
You think, you choose
You win, you lose


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