(SE) following me.

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A day later.

Toby hasn't left the room yet, notice how many books he has in his room, piles and mountains in one dark corner, he probably read every one of them. His stomach grumbled slightly, letting Toby know he needed to eat something. Toby sighed and continued to read his current book on his bed, laid back with his pillow behind him, legs straight but crossed. He only heard the sound of the breeze coming through his window, his ripped curtains dancing quietly in his presence.
His stomach sounded again, Toby growled back at it, almost annoyed. "Toby go eat something, please?" A voice sounded only in his room. Toby glanced up, flinching slightly. He looked around the room and saw no one. He rolled his eyes and placed his book beside him on the bed, and sat up, sighing. He walked over to the same beaten up door, turning the door knob, walking out into a semi-large hallway, lit by torches drilled into the wall. he looked about on the floor, finding cigarette butts laying around, scattered, he doesnt smoke at all. Toby walked towards the fridge in the large kitchen, opening it to reveal soda, beer, bananas, milk, eggs, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, chips, and other things that could be in the fridge. he grabbed lettuce and ham from there, and turned towards the counter- when he turned, in the corner of his eye was a silhouette of a man, dirty and muddy, couldn't see the face at all, when he looked at it, it wasn't there, he was beginning to feel stressed, the presence felt so familiar, he growled a little and continued making a sandwich. Eyeless walked into the kitchen, rubbing the bottom of his 'eye' and looked up... he saw Brian Thomas behind Toby, he shook his head. "Brian??" he called out. Both Toby and Brian looked at him. Toby looked so confused on why Jack said Brian's name. Jack looked again and saw no one but Toby. "I- I uh.." Jack scratched behind his head, felt bad for binging him up. Toby blinked and looked back down at his sandwich. Minding his business once again. Jack does a sad expression, then continued to do what he was going to do.
Later on.

Toby couldn't stop thinking about what Jack said, and what is now happening around him, I mean it should be normal right? Hallucinations and and hearing things, but this one was different, even Jack noticed 'it' around him. Toby- in the end he decided it's just nothing. hes overthinking it, and just missing Brian a lot. He curled up on his bed after finishing his sandwich, thinking, and thinking, why brian? why himself? what did he do to deserve this? is it because of Tim? what he did to Toby? no I couldn't be.. did I not deserve him? He thought so many things, it all got to him, hit him all at once in one whole night again, he didnt want to be here anymore, its irritating, its unreal, what is this? what am I? Why do I get to live? what did I do wrong to sav---
Knock knock.
"Hey Toby? clockwork is waiting for you outside." Toby flinched a little, opening his eyes, he had an episode. He laid there, waiting for whoever is at the door to leave. The door closed, Toby sat up on his bed and looked around his room, feeling unreal, fake surroundings, blurry vision, achy. hes used to it. "How long have you not spoke to her?" A voice sounded from behind him, Toby turned around to see no one there, he slowly turned back around and got up, putting on his everyday clothing, grabbing both of his hatchets, sliding them into the holsters on his belt. He walked out of him room and went outside where he saw Clockwork, he did not speak to her in 2 years, he always denied to go out with her on missions until now, he was forced most likely. "hey." Clockwork said, looking at him with her arms crossed, she nervously looked around, glancing at Toby here and there. Toby didnt bother responding, he just stared at her a little before carrying himself towards the trail leading to base one. only 500 meters west. Clockwork followed up behind him, really wanting to talk, but it seems like he didnt want to. clock looked down at the ground while she walks. "are we still friends?" she asked nervously. Toby pouted. "do you think so? if so, good for you." Toby said dreadfully, he really didnt wanna be around this chick. "I do Toby, I'm sure we can be friends again if you just..forgive me." Clock said reaching out to Toby's shoulder, with a small smile. Toby smacked her hand away quickly, pushing her down to the ground forcefully. "Dont touch me Clockwork, can we just get this fucking over with so I could shut out the world as we all know I would." Toby turned away and continued walking, finally turning a corner to see the base they were meant to meet. After being pushed down, Clock lifted herself up onto her elbows, watching Toby walk away. "Not everything is about you Toby, stop being a little bitch and move the f--" Clock was suddenly held by the head with a hand on her mouth, completely shutting her up. "Die or shut up." Someone whispered into Clocks ear, making her nervous as she closed her eyes tightly, waiting for them to kill her right there and out. Clock waited there on the ground for a few seconds before opening her eyes again, looking around and feeling no hands whatsoever, she was really confused but.. "brian?.." she said quietly, wondering fi that was really him that was before her, soon she got up onto her feet and brushed herself off. "hm..must've been my psychosis." She said and walked towards the base and went in before seeing Toby in there fiddling around on the monitor looking into the cameras that was set up around the perimeter. "so?.. no sight of anything?"Clock asked. "no, just bugs filling up the camera light again on camera 6, I might as well go clean it. Keep an eye on the monitor and let me know if the light is free." Toby commanded, walking out of base and headed towards cam 6, putting on his goggles and mask. Clock watched him from the corner of her eye, squinting a bit before turning to the monitors and sighed deeply.
Toby walked along the small trail, looking at every broken tree that fell over during storms, the moss that grows on rocks and the ground. He feels at ease when walking in a calm place, he doesnt feel like dying AT LEAST for a second or two, it felt nice. Toby got to the camera that he needed to get too. "cant remember who this is holy fuck I'm still alive, after taking all this shit.." he raps a song he listens to every now and then, it bops a lung. Toby begins cleaning the light that was covered in bugs before thumbs up at the camera for Clock to see, he then looks around the area, walking around it, even in front of the camera. Clock was watching Toby through the monitor, suddenly seeing another person behind Toby, a shady figure but it was still manageable to see who it was. "BRIAN?!!" Clock shouted, enough for Toby to hear from the area hhhe was in. Toby turned towards the base and started heading there slowly, meanwhile Clock was confused to why she was seeing brian, she watched them through the monitor as Briann followed Toby from behind- she rushed out of the base and looked at Toby from a distance. "Brian?!" she shouted again and ran towards Toby, shoving him aside too see no one at all besides Toby. "wh- what the fuck??" she was tripping over her words, CONFUSED to the bone, making Toby confused also. "but-but I seen him! th-through the-the-the monitor?? Behind you-- i swear.." Clock fell to her knees and frowned, shrugging her shoulders. "Yeah, I'm sure you did, or you're just trying to make me feel better and you're f-failing miserably." Toby said, twitching here and there. Clock looked up at Toby. "Okay- enough toby, I've been with you for half an hour and you're already annoying with your selfish ass." Clock said harshly, she has the guts since shes so tough and great. Toby looked down and gritted his teeth. "Look clockwork, dont wanna start this, just leave me alone, I'm going back to the mansion." Toby said as he walked away, heading back to the place. Clockwork growled. "Toby, stop, dont switch it around on me, you're doing this to yourself." Clock said, rushing in front of Toby, stopping him in his trails. "Clockwork you stop, dont tick me off." Toby said and tried walking passed her but she kept on getting into the way.
"Clock I fucking mean it."
"Just let me help you"
"I'm fine just..let..me GO BY" as Toby shouted he whipped his hatchet out and punctured her shoulder with it, Clock screamed in pain, wretched in blood as she fell to the ground and held the wound. "TOBY WHAT THE FUCK?!" clockwork shouted, looking at Toby as he backed away, looking at her in shock. "fuck.." he whispered and ran towards the mansion. when Toby got there he busted through the doors while masky was going out for a cigarette. Masky was shocked to see Toby in such a hurry, the last time he saw him like that was when he opened the door for him to go see Brian's grave. "Toby?" He questioned while he heard Toby slam his door shut. Masky shook it off and still went out, suddenly seeing Clock on the railing of the stairs, covered in blood in half, panting for air. "Toby..snapped at me.. and tried fucking chopping me in half." Clock exclaimed, groaning in pain. "Oh my..fuck come inside." Masky said and helped Clock into the mansion. "BP help me out here, get the aid kit along the sewing kit, ASAP" he commanded and laid Clock down on the floor. "Oh look! Clockwork almost got killed!" little Sally said as she held onto Ben's arm. "Looks like so." Ben replied. Toby heard their conversation from inside his room since they were just outside of it. Toby was in the corner, holding his head tightly. "toby what the hell's wrong with you.." he scolded himself.
"I think I saw Brian.." Clockwork said while Masky helped her with her wound. "Is that so? Wasnt your health acting up this week? making you hallucinate." Masky said as a personal therapist he is. "I mean.. yeah but.. he looked real." Clock said. "what is real? he wasnt for sure." Masky replied, cleaning the wound, tapping it softly, pouring alcohol on it, Clock groaned softly, feeling the burn from the cleansing process. "of course, I dont know..forget it." Clock said and proceeded to wait. Masky continued to patch her up and sew her back together.

WOWwowow, that took a while, I didnt have the energy to write or draw barely this week or the other week..idk but hey this chapt is finished, kinda was feeling the hatred for clockwork so I gotta give her what I feel :))) jk but I hoped u enjoyed.

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