Chapter 2

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Jaune held his shield up to take the force of the strike before pushing the arm to the side. He slashed with his sword at his opponent, connecting and damaging her aura slightly. He intended to follow up with a hit from his shield but was caught unprepared for a second fist hit to him in the chest, sending him sprawling to the side.

"That'll do for now Vomit Boy." Yang strolled over and offered a hand to help the downed knight to his feet. "You're getting better, just gotta remember that I have two weapons to strike with." She pulled him up with far more force than was necessary, throwing him off the ground for a moment. "I'm also stronger than you, if you couldn't tell." A grin spread across her face. "How's it feel to know a girl is stronger than you?"

"A girl?" Jaune sheathed his weapons and turned to the blonde brawler. "You're certainly not the only one, have you seen Nora and Pyrrha? I might be able to straight up out strength them but they have all the technique. They hit way harder." Jaune rubbed a spot where Pyrrha had hit him in their own personal training the night before.

"Well soon enough you'll be on the same level... ok maybe not the same level." Yang walked over to one of the benches and sat down. "Still though, in two weeks you've gotten loads better. With my expert guidance that is." She said in a not so humble tone.

"I also train with Pyrrha so... not just you." Jaune sat on one of the benches next to her. "Besides your sense of 'training' is more experience than actual training." Yang put a hand over her heart and pretended to be hurt, though the smile on her face betrayed the look.

"I give you all the advice you need after I beat you, it's more fun that way."

"Fun for who?" Jaune winced slightly as Yang hit him in the shoulder.

"Anyways, we have Combat class today maybe you'll finally put that jackass in his place. I can see it now." yang adopted a theatrical pose. "Jaune Arc the hero of Beacon, saviour of the useless wimp-"

"Hey!" Jaune wasn't that bad... was he?

"- Slayer of the malicious Cardin!" Yang sat back down like a normal person. "The girls will be lining up."

Jaune was the one to scoff this time. "You wanna take a bet on it?" He pulled his scroll out and checked the time. "Well, I guess that's it for today. I need to head back to my dorm and get ready for class."

"Don't forget a shower, morning training is the worse for the smell." Yang stood and followed in the direction of the locker room.

"How is morning training any worse than night training?" Jaune held the door open for his companion.

Yang shrugged her shoulders and went off to find her locker. "No peeking or I'll have to increase the intensity of your training."

"Who says I'd want to see you changing?" Jaune had to yell his response for her to hear him but the room was abandoned anyways so there was no one to complain.

"Im hurt, are you saying I'm not the embodiment of perfection?"

Jaune scoffed at the statement laced with sarcasm. "I share a room with two girls and I have seven sisters, a guy learns how to avert his eyes."

"So what you're saying is-"

"No Yang, I don't peak on my sisters or teammates. Do I look like a pervert to you?"


"Don't answer that!" Jaune finished getting out of his armour and made for the boys showers, which the school had thankfully decide to not make co ed as well.

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