Chapter One: The Pandemonium

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"Oi Bella, are you coming or what?" A voice called as he walked past the door, "You know what Alec's like, you'd better hurry up before he throttles you."

"Coming Ted!" the brunette replied, smoothing down her bobbed wig fondly.

She strutted out of her room, smiling in excitement for the mission, and greeted her best friend with a smirk, soon falling into step with him.

"Hey there, big bro." She greeted.


"What can I say? Demons dig blondes."

"Well obviously, Belle, but that's more white, isn't it?" Ted questioned, gesturing to the wig.

"It's platinum," she corrected, "And they don't exactly like Shakespeare, okay boys?"

"You're plenty distracting on your own, Izzy." Alec commented.

"So be yourself? Is that what you're saying?" Isabelle challenged, almost making Ted laugh with her expression, but moreso the look of irritation that covered her brother's face as they sauntered down the stares and towards the natural blond.

As much as Ted hated getting into trouble, living with the Lightwoods and Jace really took a toll on a person—although Alec, the eldest, was more or less opposed to anything that went against the rules, so Ted often found some consolation in the fact that he wasn't the only 'killjoy' on the team.

They had reviewed the mission quickly, already speculating as to the motive of the demon attacks that drained the blood of their victims, and grabbed their preferred weapons, Ted's being his quarterstaff that he'd taken with him from London (which could phase into two blades, which was useful for quicker battles) as well as a spare seraph blade, should anyone need one.

"Look, if we get caught, I will not hesitate to throw you under the bus, Jace." he mentioned offhandedly, as they walked away from the ops centre.

"One, so what if we do get caught? Two, why not Izzy? She's agreeing with me."

"Well to be frank with you, Wayland, I like Iz better than you," he paused with a smirk on his lips, waiting for Jace's fit of indignant, offended noises to calm down before continuing, "Besides, she's the youngest of the group, and thus she is a child—a child who has been tainted by your rebellious ways."

"Do you make it your mission to hurt me, Herondale, or does it just come naturally?" The blond mumbled out with a pout, feigning upset.

"Can you two focus? If we're gonna risk going on an unapproved mission, at least give us a chance." Alec grumbled, eyes fixated straight in front of him.

"You're right, sorry Xander." Ted conceded, promptly shutting up.

Prowling the streets in search of a shapeshifting demon was not an ideal way to spend a Friday night, but somehow it had become a fairly common happening. Besides, Teddy couldn't say he minded much, especially when he was with people he loved.

Ted had taken the lower ground with Alec, the two men acting inconspicuously on opposite sides of the bustling street, a little way down from each other. Alec gave a signal to the brunet, who nodded in return and flashed a quick gesture to the definitely-not-platinum wigged girl following the events on the street from a rooftop.

The demon turned around, just missing Alec leaping onto the top of a building across from where Isabelle was stalking, leaving Ted to follow on the ground. The two lightwoods met with Jace, all managing to keep track of the demon, when the trio jumped down from the cross point above the street gracefully to meet the brit below, who sided next to Isabelle.

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