Chapter 18

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It had been a few days since you've seen Haechan. Recently you and WenHan have been parting ways because of his idol schedule and you weren't about that life. It was like you accepted him for who he was but with his constant change ups it left you a bit on the "I don't know" side of your head and heart. Since then you've noticed Jaehyun started to bully you more and Haechan teasing you. As time passed by you end up breaking up with WenHan but both ended on good terms. Today you were walking in the dark and rainy night right when you saw a bunch of college boys drunk, approaching you... right when they passed you hear them whisper

"Hey She looks pretty good" the Tall and Pale one said

"Haha she does. We'll use her for tonight and keep her if she brings us enough 'pleasure," the man with a large tattoo by his left arm

With that being said you started running and turned a few corners right when you felt someone grab your arm.

"y/n it's pass midnight. What are you doing here?" Jaehyun asked

"Oh I was just walking home. Now thanks get Away from me" you respond

"Idiot come here. Where are you going?"

"Away from you."

"Y/N get over here now before I put a baby in you and make you unable to walk for a week straight" Jaehyun shouted

"Ewww, I don't like you. Get away from me. You're a freaking sick pervert. My life is already miserable. I don't need you to make it worse"

You ended up walking home with Jaehyun following from behind both yelling at each other. All of a sudden you receive a text from Haechan about a project you both worked on and passed.

Text from Haechan:

Haechan: Y/N we should go out for some bbq I'm hungry

Y/N: Sure, why not. But I don't wanna drive and I don't wanna see your asshole friend

Haechan: oh jaehyuna? (Referring to Jaehyun) he's just in love with you. That's his ways of telling you he's jealous. Usually he doesn't bother women

Y/N: So before me... was there anyone else?

Haechan: ... I'm sorry it's kind of a sad story... but it was always you...

Y/N: THATS creepy stop!

Haechan: I'm 😐 *sorry*

With that being said you went to sleep. The next day you see a text message from a unknown number.

Unknown: Hello! It's Jaehyun, I wanted to make sure you were okay. Let me know if you need anything, I'm sorry about what I said last night

You: leave me alone

You blocked his phone number again. Today was a Saturday night, you were going to go out and party with your friends. It's been a while since you've been out with your friends anyways since WenHan and you always were like the house and the ground glued together.

"Y/N are you ready?" Julie asked

"Just a minute" you answered.

"Now?" - Julie

"Yes I'm done"

You both left. Arriving at the party, you just hung out, spill tea with your friends about what was happening. Right when you saw Mingming. One of Wenhans Bandmates, you questioned why was mingming there, when WenHan told you when you both broke up they would be on tour in the states (USA). He didn't notice you but soon the facial expression gave it away and your friends noticed what you noticed as well. A few moments later they were drinking their butts off, then all of a sudden you notice WenHan with another female. Kissing, her butt on his eggplant. You were in rage as to this probably being the reason he broke up with you. You walked over and confronted WenHan.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I found someone else. We're not together anyways. I'll be there for you as a friend but, I don't love you like how I love her" with that being said he walked out with his bandmates and the female in his arms. Leaving you in tears.

You cried and sobbed. You started drinking heavily wanting all the pain to go away. Drink after drink it wasn't enough.

"Y/N stop wasting your life away with him. He's a loser" - Jaehyun says taking away your drink


Hello! Sorry y'all for not updating in the last 4 months or so! But here's a short chapter!!!

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