Chapter 2

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Carson picture above
Carson pov
Finally 4th period ended and my favorite period was next lunch and the school and had the best food well if you know what to pick there was the school lunch or the infamous food trucks that the school had to offer there was a total of five food trucks I could almost feel my mouth watering at I went outside and waited in line

Now Quinn and Carter didn't have this lunch so I either ate underneath a shaded tree or with a random person "hey short stuff the usual" Joe the food truck ask with a smile and I was about to nod until a voice spoke up "actually joe she'll had the loaded salad" Tyler says while throwing his arm around me causing me to almost shiver in delight I raise an eyebrow at Tyler and he only smiles down at me "are you trying to insinuate something here buddy" I ask, Tyler only throws his head back laughing

Joe looks at Tyler with a raised eyebrow "come on joe you've got a line building up one loaded salad and one po'boy" Tyler says in amusement while giving him money Joe only shook his head but got the order I on the other hand glared at Tyler I don't care how fucking cute this guy is I was really looking forward to my usual which was a milkshake double bacon burger with cheese fries and chicken tenders "oh can you also throw in a Carmel milkshake" he looks at me and throws his hands up in the air "come on your gonna love the loaded salad" he says I continue to glare at him like I do ever other week because he does this at least once a week comes and interrupts what I was gonna order "I even added a milkshake for you Cari" Tyler says innocently looking down at me

I continue to ignore him "now now have I ever ordered you something bad your gonna love the loaded salad" he tried yet failed because I remained silent "come on you can't stay mad at me the salad has everything you like in it grilled chicken bacon bits some eggs cucumbers shredded cheese corn" he stops talking when he see me smiling because let's face it Tyler knows not just me but no one can ever stay mad at him at that moment joe hand Tyler the food giving him a slight nod and Tyler takes me away leading me to his table causing me to raise an eyebrow. Tyler looked down at me and threw his head back in laughter "one of these days I'm gonna get you to sit with me and my friends" he says before handing me my food and shake

I chuckle "not in a million years Tyler" as Tyler walked over to his talk I walked to opposite way looking for somewhere to sit as I walked with my food I finally find a place to sit on the side but under some shade cause let's be clear girl don't tan I get sun burnt and bright red. Looking down at the food Tyler picked out for me and glare down at the salad not this shit better be good or he will be buying my usual lunch tomorrow grabbing the fork I angrily stab the salad as if it when my worst enemy however as I ate the salad I came to a determinant it wasn't bad and actually pretty good

Sipping on my shake I came to realize this was indeed a good lunch however I spoke to soon as the school's infamous student body president came and sat down next to me. I loudly groan and she smiles brightly, now let's talk about her real quick Joanna everything about her screamed perfect her jet black hair always pulled up in a high ponytail never a strand out of place ocean blue eyes high cheek bones and the person height 5'9 not short but not to tall. "Carson Wright twin sister of Carter Wright and straight D student I've come to offer my help" she say with a bright smile I on the other hand scoff while placing my milkshake on the table, the audacity some people have.

I glare at her causing her eyes to widen "I didn't mean to offend you I mean you could be smart" she mumbles I flash a fake smile she nervously plays with her bracelet "what do you want Joanna" "will I wanted to help raise the schools academy grade so I want to tutor you; really help get that grade up"

You know I should be offended for her assumption about me but this conversation just drained me so resting my head in the palm of my hand I suck my teeth watching her in anticipation as she anxiously bounced her leg and finger "in my eyes a D is passing so no" I watched as her face fell but it had quickly light back up "well ok sorry to bother you then" she quickly got up and left I assume to ask to tutor another person she thought no scratch that knew was on the brinks of failing and was bringing the schools grade down. Other than that the rest off lunch I ate and playing temple run and yes I still play it because I was that person that spent money on this game, now I've spent way to much money on this game so I refused to not play and plus it was my addiction. Soon the bell rang, gathering all my trash I tossed it in the trash before going to my next class "YOU FUCKING BITCH HOW COULD YOU SAY SOME SHIT LIKE THAT" was what I heard as soon as I walked into marketing the teacher who looked like he could be the offspring of Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter and Santa Claus (if that was possible) just sat there with an annoyed face expressing while shaking his head most likely wondering why he didn't just retire I mean he was getting up there in age

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