The fight

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"We've got two in the terminal. Wilson and Barnes." I heard Brody say as he moved to attack Cap and me.

"Barnes is mine." I heard T'Challa say or should I say the Black Panther. Steve threw his shield into the War Machine and moved to run after T'Challa.

As I turned behind I felt a hand around my arm. Nat. She swept her feet underneath me causing me to land flat on the ground.

"We are still friends, right?" I said as I got back up and got back into position. I tightened my hand wrap.

"Depends on how hard you hit me." We both let out a small grin but then got back into it. As I raised my hand I moved to strike the side of her but she easily slipped out of it.

Once she tried to attack me I slipped down and under her legs using that advantage, I twisted her foot so that she fell down with me.

But once again she was the assassin and I was terrible at fighting. I promised myself that I wouldn't use my powers to fight them and that was what I was doing.

I would rather die than hurt one of them. I would only use them if I needed to and not to hurt one of them.

She flipped herself so that her leg was right on top of my windpipe. Using as much power as I could I flung myself up and moved to the side of her.

"You've gotten better."

"And you are still deadly as shit," I said as I moved to block her throw as she tried too much me in the chest.

I blocked it but I still fell a little bit to my side. Once I turned around I saw that T'Challa was standing right next to me. He tried to stab me with his claws but I dodged it.

I teleported to the place right above his shoulders. I wrapped my thighs around his neck and attempted to throw him over backward.

Before he could catch himself I flipped off of his back and regained my composure.

"Let's go. Hanger 5." Steve yelled as soon as I could I sprinted over to where Ant-Man and Captain America were running towards the hanger. 

As soon as we got close and Wanda, Clint, Sam, and Buck joined us a beam of light went into the ground in front of us. As I looked up I saw Vis.

"Captain Rogers. I know that you are doing what you think is right. But for the collective good. You must surrender now."

As he continued the rest of the Avengers came but on the opposite side. Iron Man. Black Widow. War Machine. Black Panther. Plus the Spiderling.

"What do we do now?" I heard Sam say from the side of me. My brother looked at me and almost gave me a glare. He is innocent. I mouthed to him. His gaze looked down.

"We fight." As Steve said it we started to walk towards them. As a team.

So much for not hurting them. As we got closer I saw Vis looking at Wanda. I knew that they cared for each other. I couldn't have her hurting him.

Lifting my arms in the air I sent Vision into the plane about a mile away. As he came back over to me he tried to blast me but I just built a shield that caused it to bounce off.

Everyone knew the goal of this. Knock everyone out in the opposite team. I saw Bucky fighting with T'Challa. This was going to end in death. Not being knocked out.

As I saw him raise a claw to Bucky's throat I raised my hand up and sent T'Challa over a couple of feet away.

"Mr. Stark said that you would say something like that." I looked over to where Steve was fighting the Spiderling. "He also said to go for his legs."

Within a second Cap was down. He isn't too bad for a kid.

As Steve stumbled up and dived for his Shield the guy throws out his webs and captured both of his hands.

I lifted my hands out and sent a rock over and cut his hold on Steve. Before I could help any more I looked back to see T'Challa coming after me.

In one move I deflected his kick and sent him back a couple of meters. As he tried to kick back I slid underneath him and got out the other side.

"You and Barnes head to the jet. A lot of us are going to need to lose in order to win." Sam chimed into the headset.

"He is right, Steve. Go. Fix this." This was the right thing to do. If I had to sacrifice for it I would. I heard Clint agree but he seemed a bit tense.

"Clint, I promise you. You will be with your family by the end of the week. You have my word." I told Clint outside of the mic. He gave me a grateful look.

"Okay, Sam. What is the plan?"

"We need a big diversion. Something huge." Everything I do is huge I am sure I can do something.

"I could blow up the airport. If you tell me there is no one in it." Wait. That might be a lot of money to pay back in jail...

"Guys, I've got something. It is really big. On my signal, you guys run like hell. And if I get split in half don't come back for me.

"The actual hell?" I asked Clint from our hiding position over by the side of an empty dock. The funny look on his face said it all.

And almost on the signal, I saw Scott jump into the sky in his mall version and enlarge to his regular one. But then he didn't stop. He just kept going and going.

Holy crap.

"Way to go. Tic Tack!" Sam yelled as he flew and dove down to kick my brother in the face. Ouch. 

I watched as he threw the plane over in the opposite direction of us but right near my brother, but before he did I teleported and put a shield over him so that my brother wouldn't, you know, die.

As soon as I recovered I teleported over to Steve who was running from Brody. 

I stood in front of them and put a shield to deflect the bullets and bombs that he was trying to throw at them.

He tried to go throw the shield but he got reflected off and thrown back.

"Anna!" I looked over to Wand and saw that she was trying to keep the building from falling on Steve and Bucky. 

I thrust my powers out and sent it in the opposite direction. 

The Captain's Inferno- A Captain America Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now