Part 2

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Κυνηγοί = que-ven-yee (Greek: Hunters)
Άγγελος = ang-yel-os (Greek: Angel)
I drag Spider-Man to my couch, and lay him down. Then I shut my door and put a chair under the door knob, just in case. I grab a first aid kit out of my bathroom, and set it on the coffee table by the couch. Without even hesitating, I take off Spider-Man's mask. Brown curly hair is found underneath, and he's much younger than I would've imagined. Maybe even my age. Oof. He may not have wanted me to just peek at his identity like that. Oh well. I'm trying to help him NOT die. I sit back and look him over. He's pretty beat up. What am I supposed to do? Give him mouth to mouth? It's not like he isn't breathing, so that wouldn't work. His face is bruised and cut. I take a cloth and clean up the bruises and small cuts the best I can, his chest rising and falling in slow breaths, which is relieving. He's still out cold though. After he's pretty well cleaned up, and I've checked for any other injuries, I cover him up with a blanket.

He'll wake up soon right? I can just let him crash on the couch, and he'll wake up in a few hours. Hopefully. I clean up a little, I kind of made a mess in the hectic few minutes that the beefy guys were beating up Spider-Man and I basically saved him. That counts as saving him right? I mean, he WAS about to get shot. Although it's more like, I saved him and then he saved me. I think. I don't know. I go over to my door, not moving the chair, and look out the peep hole. There's no guys outside anymore, but the door to the apartment they were in is slightly open. "Should I go check it out?" I whisper to myself. "I shouldn't. But I wanna. So like the stupid one in movies, I'm gonna." I slowly pull the chair out from under the door handle, and crack the door open. I peek my head out, and check the hallway. The coast is clear as far as I can tell. I make my way out the door and across the hall. I hesitate outside the cracked door for a moment, but then I take a deep breath, and go through the door.

I very quietly shut it back behind me. I carefully make my way through the apartment. It unsurprisingly is kind of empty. There's a small couch and tv in the living room, nothing but half a six pack of beer in the fridge, and a bed room with just a mattress on the floor. I go to a doorway at the end of the hall, right past the bedroom, and slowly open it. Inside is a whole other world compared to the rest of the place. There's a big desk in the middle, with blue prints and papers all over it. A rack of guns lines one wall, and a file cabinet lines the other. "This looks like the office of a mob boss." I say to myself. "Actually, it probably IS the office of a mob boss." I shuffle through some of the blue prints. I furrow my brow. The prints are different layouts of this apartment building. Why though? I keep shuffling through them. There's exits marked, and different notes written in scratchy red ink on the sides. They all keep zeroing in on.... my apartment? Wait.

So these guys are stalking ME? But why? What? I'm so confused. Maybe Spider-Man can figure it out, because that's really scary and now I'm considering moving. I tuck one of the blueprints into my pocket. Then I hear a door slam. I jump. I hear voices and foot steps coming down the hall. I frantically look around the room. I spot a small door in the corner, and open it. Ah, a coat closet. How convenient. I step inside, and close the door. Just in time too, because somebody bursts through the office door. "Why were they let go?! How can you be so stupid?!" A deep guys voice yells. Maybe he's the mob boss. "It's Spider-Man, you can't expect it to be that easy." Another guys voice says. "Don't you get it?! I couldn't give a sh*t about Spider-Man! I'm talking about THE GIRL." The boss guy slams his fists on the table. A streak of fear settles on my back. "Why her? Why is she even important? This is stupid." The other guy argues.

"You're stupid. She's the Άγγελος. (Greek: Angel) That is why she's important. She's powerful. And you imbeciles let her get away!" The boss dude sits in his big leather chair defeatedly. What do they mean 'angel'? And why did they say it in Greek? What is going on? "We, are this close, to having one of the most powerful weapons in the world and you two just LET IT GO." Mob guy shouts again. "Do I need to do everything myself?! Do I need to shoot you right here and now and just do it all myself?!" The guy threatens. That shuts the other two guys up real fast. "That's what I thought." Boss guy says. "We'll have to track her down. Come. Let's get out of here before any more authorities show up." The mob guy gets up, and leaves the room, along with whoever else was there. I wait in the closet a little longer, until I hear the front door slam and I'm positive that nobody is here, and then I step out. I'm starting to panic slightly, so I head out of the apartment as fast as I can.

I peek out the front door. Hallway is clear. I then dart into my apartment, shut the door, and put the chair back under the door knob. I look out the peep hole, just to be sure no one saw me. The hall is still empty. I sigh in relief. I then turn around, and come smack face to face with a pair of big brown eyes. I jump and nearly scream but he covers my mouth. Spidey has awoken. "Don't scream. Those guys that attacked me were looking for you, correct?" He asks. I nod, his hand still over my mouth. "Did you go out to do something normal or did you go snooping through that apartment?" Spider-Man says. He seems like he already knows the answer. I push his hand away. "Yes, I went to snoop. But I'd think I have the right considering, gee, I don't know, they're AFTER ME!" I yell. "Shh!" I he covers my mouth again. I yank his hand away. "Will you quit that?!" I whisper yell. "They could hear you!" He whispers back.

"The mafia dudes!"
"Wha- I was hoping you had a more, I don't know, correct term for them. You know about as much as I do don't you?" I ask. "Actually, I know a lot more about you than you think." He says matter-of-factly.
"Well that's not creepy at all." I cross my arms. "You may wanna sit down for this one." He says. We sit down on my couch, and he faces me. "Okay, so for starters, since you so rudely found out my identity-"
"You had to BREATHE."
"Still a no no. Anyways, I'm Peter. Peter Parker." He holds out his hand. I shake it. "Y/N Y/L/N" I say. He nods. "I know."
"Of course you do." I throw my hands up in defeat. "Yes. You're Y/N Y/L/N, you were born here in New York, your parents passed when you were ten, and you happen to be the last remaining descendant of a group of super-human-people called 'Άγγελος'." He says all at once.

I nod sarcastically. "Well that's just great Peter. I knew that already. Now would you like to tell me what in the hell an Άγγελος is?" I glare at him. "Yes. As I said, they were once a superhuman race, born with powers. Powers of healing, telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, some even had wings. Hence the whole 'angel' reference. The Greeks believed they actually were angels. They're not of course, even though you look like one." He rushes the last part. I push my glasses up on my nose and glare at him harder. "Now is NOT the time for angel pick up lines bud." I roll my eyes. "Anyway, we, the Avengers and I, picked up a case on this big underground mafia a few months ago. So naturally, we planned on taking it down, but then we realized- they're not JUST a mafia. They're a group of people that have been hunting Άγγελος since the beginning, and they're looking for you." He says. I nod, signaling him to continue. "So, I've been given the job of watching you. Keeping tabs, making sure you don't get killed by the Κυνηγοί." He finishes explaining.

"Ha. My Greek name is cooler." I smirk. "So, now that we've met and I've explained everything to you- you need to come with me to Avengers Tower. You'll be safe there." He starts to get up. "Whoa whoa hold on there bucko, you're not done explaining." I say. He rolls his eyes and sits back down. "We don't have much time. I'll explain more on the way, but you need to pack up a bag- one bag- and we need to get out of here before they realize you haven't left." He says. I reluctantly comply, and pack up a bag of stuff. Clothes, my few most valued possessions, and then I meet him on the fire escape. "You ready?" He asks. "Not really." I say sarcastically. "Great." He says, then he pulls me to him, puts on his mask, and jumps off the fire escape, and that's when I knew- my life has officially gotten weird.

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