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Thea's POV
"Thea wake up we have to get breakfast," Ginny said shaking me a little bit. I opened my eyes a little to see her standing above me. "Finally your up, you are one heavy sleeper." We both laughed as I sat up rubbing my eyes. Daisy was laying at the bottom of the bed and when she noticed me up she crawled over into my lap. I started petting her when I heard a knock on the door. Ginny walked over and opened it Harry had a letter in his hand. Ginny was just standing there back towards me. "Umm Hello, can you give Thea this?" Harry asked handing her a letter.

She nodded and quickly shuffled over to me leaving the door open. I giggled a bit "Looks like Ginny has a crush," I thought. She handed it to me and I could tell her cheeks were a little flushed. "Thanks Harry," I gave him a sweet smile. Me and Harry have gotten closer over the sumner but I hope I don't have to argue with him at school. That will be hard though because of his friends and mine. "Your welcome, I'll see you two at breakfast," he said giving a smile and walked away. Ginny collapsed on the bed making me laugh some more. I opened the letter to see it was from Draco.

Drear Thea,
  I can't believe your at the Weasleys! If I knew about your situation I would of come and rescued you myself. I do miss you though I hope we see each other today. We have so much to talk about and I'm so excited to tell you.
Love Draco:)

  "Who was it from, your smiling like crazy?" Ginny asked. "Oh no one," I said as I got out of bed. I looked at Daisy's water and it got replaced with new water and it was more filled. I bent down and gave her more food. "Let's go get breakfast." I said. She nodded and we both walked down stairs. I saw all the Weasleys eating breakfast there was a seat next to Harry and one next to that seat. I sat down so there was an empty seat between me and Harry. Ginny looked at me eyes wide as she took a seat I winked at her.

After breakfast we all got dressed then Mis. Weasley told us we were traveling by floo powder. "Just say where you want to go and you will go there," She said. "Ginny you go first," She nodded and went in. "Diagon Alley," she said. Green flams surrounded her and when they disappeared she was gone. "Harry your turn." He nodded stepping in and taking some power. He said it all wrong causing me to facepalm when he disappeared. "Oh no," Ron said. "Thea you can go." I nodded and walked inside the fire place and grabbed some powder "Diagon Alley," I said loud and clear. Green flams surrounded me which wasn't hot to my surprise. I was in a new fire place and saw Ginny standing there. I got out and then we waiting for the rest of the Weasleys.

"I wonder where Harry went," I thought. "Come on everyone let's get going," Mr. Weasley said. We all started walking and I saw Harry going into a book store. "There," I pointed. Everyone looked and there he was going into the shop. "This way everyone hurry along." We entered the book store and I saw Harry upfront taking pictures. I met eyes with the man next to him and he stopped what he was doing. He ran threw the crowd and grabbed my arm. "Let go of me you creep," I said. He dragged me up to the front with Harry by his side. "What the hell is going on?" I asked Harry. "Shush you two and smile." He shoved books into our hands that Harry held and I dropped mine onto the floor and just started to walk until the man grabbed my arm.

I looked back at him so the cameras couldn't see. My eyes turned blue "Let go," I said. He let go and I grabbed Harry by the arm and dragged him off the stage to back to the Wesleys. "Thanks," Harry said. "Your welcome, I don't want some old dude who thinks he's all that touching me, no thanks," I said making him laugh. I saw Hermione now and she was talking with Ron while they were both glaring at me. "Well if it isn't the mudblood and the Weaslbees," I heard Draco's voice. I looked over in his direction and gave him a big smile. He waved his hand over so I could go over there. I looked around for a second and didn't see Miss. Weasley or Mr. Wesley so I was assuming they were with the twins. I also looked around for his dad because I didn't want him to get in trouble.

I smiled and ran over to him and tackled him into a hug. "I missed you," I said and squeezed him. "I missed you too," he said back. We hugged for a bit and finally let go even though a part of me didn't want to. We pulled apart and I finally got a good look at him. He looked different he had more of a jaw line and his hair was a little longer but still slicked back. He was taller then last year so he was actually taller then me. I was a little shorter then him last year but this year you can definitely see the difference. "If is isn't Malfoy," Ron spat.

Ginny looked really confused looking between all of us. "Weasley," Draco spat back. Draco and Ron were having a stare off. "You can't go anywhere without looking like-," Draco got cut off by a cane like thing hitting his shoulder in between is. I moved to the side as who I'm assuming is Draco's father walked in between us. He gave me an amused look "Be nice Draco," He said. "Ahh you must be Thea Potter," he gave me a weird smile that made me uncomfortable. "Umm yes that's me." "Its nice to meet you."

Mr. Weasley and Mis. Weasley were back along with the twins. All of the sudden Mr. Weasley and Draco's dad were arguing about who knows what. "Come on Draco we better get going," His dad said and walked off. I gave him a smile before he left the door. I looked back to see Hermione and Ron glaring at me. I glad at Hermione and a small tiny water ball hit her in the eye. She started rubbing it and then Ron stopped glaring at me to look at her. I didn't want them glaring at me like that what can I say.

Heyyyyyy I hope you enjoyed this chapter everyone. I love you guys🖤💚

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