Chapter 2: Not Scared...Petrified!

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"Eli is gone!" Pronto yelled. Kord nodded his head in agreement. "Oh, floppers." Trixie sighed.  "He should have listened...Whoa!" She was suddenly cut off by a strong gust of wind. 

Then the door behind them slammed shut!

The other two gasped while Pronto rolled his eyes. "Ha, ha. Very funny, Eli. Quit messing with us and show yourself!" He said sarcastically. There was no response, just a mere echo. Then another gust of wind came, slightly weaker than the first. "Uh, Pronto," Kord said, his voice shaking with fear, "that wasn't Eli."

Panicked, the other three rammed themselves hard on the wooden door. To their dismay, it was locked! "It's stuck. We're trapped!" Trixie screamed. Kord was breathing hard. "You were right the first time, Trix." Pronto said, shaking. "Eli should have listened." Trixie added, "On top of that, we shouldn't have followed him inside in the first place." Kord argued, "What, we just leave him stuck in here alone?" She sighed. "Fine."

*SlugTerra Intro*

The three decided to vote whether to go deeper into the cavern and find out what happened to Eli. Kord voted yes. Pronto voted no. Unfortunately, Pronto was outvoted 2-1, Trixie being the winning vote of yes. As they started walking, Pronto protested, "This is a mistake, I tell you! We really should have waited by the door." Trixie disagreed. "Yeah, but Kord was right. Had we waited by the door, Eli would die in here. But, yeah. It could be half-past forever by the time someone rescues us." Pronto quivered in fear. They were all alone in an empty cavern, haunted with ghosts who locked the door behind them and left them to die.

Meanwhile Eli, being all alone, shivered because of the harsh cold in the cavern. "'s freezing in here..." Even the slugs were shivering. "Oh man-n...I s-sure w-wish I d-d-didn't c-come h-here in t-t-the firs-st pl-l-ace," he stammered. "Burpy soon produced fire, like he always did, bringing light and warmth to his slinger and his fellow shivering slugs. "Thanks, Burpy." Eli said, warmed by his Infurnus. "Man, I sure wished Trixie and the others were here, no offence to you guys," he said to his slugs. He looked around. "Well, Dad told me I would be having a lot of adventures here in SlugTerra, but I didn't think it would come to this!" Eli kept exploring. "On the bright side, I really might get a new slug. A slug that will help me send my enemies running like cowards." Burpy, Joules, Banger, Spinner and Chiller nodded, knowing that he was talking about the Frightgeist slug he was looking for in Deadweed Cavern. "But whatever happens, I sure hope whatever happens to us will hep us get out of this freaky cavern!" Eli said, shaking.

Trixie, Pronto and Kord were still walking down the cavern. All was silent except the freezing wind. As Pronto put it earlier, "Man, this harsh wind is colder than Eli's stupid Frostcrawler!" Trixie hit his head hard. "Yeah, I know, but Chiller's been a great help to us in the field of battle. He saved us many times, Pronto!" But that was merely minutes earlier. Now, everything was silent.
Something whooshed in front of Trixie's camera. "What was that?!" Pronto hollered. "Ghosts! We really should have waited by the door! Trixie?" The other two looked at him as if he was crazy. "You know, guys," Kord spoke, "I think Eli's right. I really think there is no such thing as ghosts." Trixie noted, "Yes, but according to my sources, ghost sightings are tied to violent deaths." Pronto shouted, "Probably Eli would stick around, if that's what your mother said." The other two groaned. "Pronto, you know Eli isn't' dead." Kord yelled. A loud whoosh was heard. "At least, maybe that's what I think..."

SlugTerra: The Mystery Of The Missing ShaneWhere stories live. Discover now