chapter one: running away

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i was walking home to my foster parents, when i got in front of the house i walked up to the door and knocked my sister opened the door"hi slut, you know dad will be home in an hour you betta get ready" she said while laughing i didn't say anything and just kept walking to my room i locked my door i put my book bag on my bed and took a shower i got dressed into some black tights and a long sleeve white shirt i unlocked the door and opened it i walked downstairs i saw my mom I don't really like her so I called her genna " get ready for your beaten when your dad gets home" I sighed "ok" i said i made me some noodles and went to my room i locked the door again an hour later someone was banging on my door

i unlocked the door and backed up "your mother called me and told me you got here three hours later then what i told you" " i was helping the school" " i don't care i told when to get your ass home" he yelled he then slapped me leaving a dark red hand print on my cheek he then pushed me then started to kick my stomach i was crying and throwing up blood when he stopped as he  left the room he said " worthless piece of shit" i slowly curled up into a ball and cried silently for what felt like years but it was only 7 hours

i got up and cleaned the blood up i went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up my phone went off it was my father the text said -me your mother and sister are going out we wont be back till like 12:50 or 1:35- i responded with a okay and told to have a great night i then called kiri " what's up is everything ok" " well kinda i got a beaten but my parents and sister are gone" "ok i think you should run away" " that's not a bad idea, thanks for the idea i call you late bye love you bestie" " bye love you too" i hung up and started packing my book bag and my second book bag full of clothes food and body spray i opened my door and ran downstairs and out the door

i was walking around the city i decided to call jirou and see if i can stay the night with her till i find a job and get my own place " what's up" " nothing i was wondering it i could stay with you till i get some money to buy my own place" " sure but is foster parents cool with it" " well... i ran away and since they dont know who you are and where you live they can't find me" " ok i'll have the door unlocked" "ok thanks your life saver" " no problem" i ran to jirou's house i opened the door to see jirou and momo i closed the door and sat down on the couch

" hey momo" " hey denki i made some tea and some sandwitchs if your hungry" " ok thanks again for letting me stay" " like i said no problem also your room is on the right third door" " ok" jirou and i had sleepovers when we were 14-16 she bought this house when she had just turned 15 so i'm 18 and haven't been here for a while i walked upstairs and unpacked my backpack i put the food that i took and put in the cabainets when i got to the kitchen i then poured some tea into a cup and took three sandwitchs i walked back to my room after eating my sanwitchs and drinking the tea witch was was good i got ready to got to bed i laid my head down on the soft pillow and fell a sleep

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