Disturbing Behavior

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"Guard it with your life."

Reggie nodded very seriously, wrapping his arms around the pie in his lap, and Andy laughed before she climbed in besides him. They drove to Elena's, Bonnie surprising the doppelganger as Elena squealed in excitement, giving her a tight hug.

"I leave town for one summer, and everything goes to hell for the both of you." Bonnie announced, looking between Caroline and Elena, and Andy raised a hand with a smirk. "I actually turned out pretty alright, for once."

"And, I am so proud of you!" Bonnie grinned, patting the elemental's cheek playfully, and Andy backed away with a smile as she balanced both cobblers in her hands. Jeremy called out to her then, and Bonnie's smile softened as she rushed in to hug him, the two kissing passionately.

"Mama, am I going to get pie soon?" Reggie tugged on her sleeve, and the girls all chuckled as Andy shook her head. "Not until you eat, laddie." She breathed, and Elena stepped aside so they could enter. Andy followed the girls into the kitchen, Caroline helping her set the desserts down, before Andy took the seat besides Bonnie and pulled Regulus into her lap.

The toddler laid his head on her chest, and Andromeda ran a hand softly through his hair as the girls spoke while Caroline helped Elena pack her chili.

"The problem with my dad's normal side of the family, is that normal made for a really boring summer." Bonnie stated, and the elemental scoffed as Care just shook her head. "After the last few days, I would kill for a normal family."

Bonnie and Andy shared a look, before turning to look at the blonde as she helped Elena pour the chili out of the pot. "Since when do you cook?" She asked, and Elena shrugged. "Damon helped a little."

"Damon, huh?" Andy snorted, a smirk pulling at her lips as Bonnie questioned the doppelganger. "Damon's helping you cook now?"

"All of you stop judging. He's just trying to be a good- OW!" Elena yelped, Reggie lifting his head worriedly from Andy's chest, as Elena winced and pulled her necklace away from her chest where there was a small burn. "What is that?" The elemental frowned, and the doppelganger looked up at them in bewilderment.

"It burned me."

"Maybe, it's a sign you shouldn't be wearing it." Caroline breathed, and Bonnie shot her a look. "Caroline."

"She isn't saying anything wrong." Andromeda immediately defended her, frowning at the witch, as Care nodded. "I'm just saying, if you're going to be cooking without Stefan." The blonde said bluntly, and Elena scowled at her briefly, before Bonnie reached out for the necklace.

"Let me see it."

Elena held it out to her, and Bonnie peered at it before reaching forward to touch it, all three girls jumped as sparks appeared and Elena dropped it. Andy jumping out of her seat to step back, clutching Regulus in her arms as she stared wide eyed at the necklace.

"The bloody hell was that?"

"Mama!" Reggie scolded, and Andy shushed him, as she bounced him in her arms. "Sorry, fear beag." The four girls looked to each other, before Bonnie shrugged it off first. "Come on, we have to be going anyways."

Bonnie reached out for one of Andy's cobblers, Care helping Elena pack the rest of her chili before grabbing her bowl, and Andromeda grabbed the other cobbler before taking Regulus's hand, leading them outside.

When they got to the Lockwood mansion, it was teeming with people as picnic tables were set out with large red umbrellas. They set the food on one of the tables before sitting together on some of the wooden benches, Andy keeping a watchful eye as Regulus played with some of the other kids.

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