Start from the beginning

I shake my head. "I doubt they will until this war is over. Right nows about the time everyone starts to darken a little."

"Even the new boys? Daniels and Zussman?"

I nod, remembering Daniels' reluctance to open up a letter from his girl. That's one of the least common things to do out here. All because of a simple misunderstanding.

"They're getting there. Missing their girls or home. Starting to want personal space but there's none of that. I'm surprised we don't hate each other." He chuckles.

"We would've if I wasn't traveling all the time. I got off lucky."

I push his shoulder, rolling my eyes whilst he laughs.
"You're an ass." An ass that I miss seeing on the daily, yes, but an ass nonetheless. "You happen to know anything about where we're heading next?"

Perez spills the information without stopping to think that maybe I wasn't allowed to hear it. He brushes off rules more than what I consider to be reasonable.

"Hurtgen forest," he extenuates the letter I don't think are supposed to be pronounced, "Haven't heard anything too good. Dark, heavy, few cleared areas. You're gonna have your work cut out for you."

No surprise there. Though I do tend to get off from chopping down trees. "How close is it to the Rhine?"

"Closer than here," he answers unhelpfully, "You ever gone camping? That's what it's gonna be like. Except with snow." He realizes my flat expression. "Oh, but you're a smart girl, you'll make it work."

"Thanks for the heads up," I reply monotonously. "I should be warning you, you've never seen snow before."

"Not my fault Arizona's a desert. Caliente como el infierno," a smile lines my lip, "I'll be fine, I got this bad boy to keep me warm."

He affectionately pats the front of the tank, to which it purrs in response. He then leans down and kisses it, which makes me laugh and cringe thinking about all the shit that thing has went through and how rarely it'll get hosed down.

"When are you coming around next?"

Professionally optimistic, he shrugs. "You'll see me here and there. I'll try to come around for Christmas, though."

I spent my last two Christmas's with him. Call it tradition. He better keep that promise.

Pierson's rough voice suddenly booms from behind us. Distantly, I spot him scolding at a pair of cowering boys, and sigh. Perez smirks, knowing he's exempt from his tyranny.

"I have to get to work," I excuse myself before Pierson sees me off track. "Take care, Perez. Don't get yourself killed."

"Ah, you know me. No ofrenda for me back home yet. I'll see you soon, Greene."

I send him a warm look as I step back, holding him to his promise. "Goodbye, Perez."

"Adios, Greene!"

Feeling a lot happier than before, I go to return to my duty of fork arranging. It's a simple task in comparison. I'm lucky. I could arrange forks all day.

"Where the hell were you?"

I gasp and flinch horrendously at Pierson's sudden arrival. He watches me react and then compose myself with an indifferent expression - he's gotta stop doing that.

"Jesus Christ," I murmur under my breath, subtly looking him up and down before nodding towards Perez. "Perez called me over."

He narrows his eyes as he confirms my statement. "For what?"

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