Dinner at the Iidas

Start from the beginning

_______Hachimitsu POV_______

I came out from the shop and I walked between the two boys. We talked about Tensei's career and agency. Things were going well. He then told us about his upcoming trip to Hosu city. He was going to work on a few cases there for a while. So, unfortunately, he was going to miss the festival.

Finally, we arrived at a tall city building. "What happened to the house we always went too as kids?" I asked.

"My parents still have it but now we live here since it is closer to the school, and so we can be closer to Tensei." He ushered me into the lavish building. I felt unsafe everything was so fancy. We piled into the elevator and Tenya slid a card into a slot. He then pressed the top button on the registry. Oh right, I forgot they were this wealthy. I guess being pro-heros for three generations has its perks.

We arrived at the penthouse suite. Everything was neat and orderly but the apartment was as big as one of the UA gyms. But only better. Tenya took my bag and led me into the kitchen. His parents were cooking dinner and dancing happily to some music. They finally saw us standing there and welcomed me in. "Little Hachimitsu! It has been too long! How have you been little bee?" His mother said with a smile.

"Sorry, my uncle couldn't make it. He is still recovering from last week's incident." I said softly.

"No worries. We are just glad the two fo you are safe. Tenya here was telling us about how great you were out there. You will make a great hero!" Mr. Iida said. They are so happy. Is this what my life would be like if I was part of this family?

We sat down for dinner, the family bantered with each other and they all seemed to truly enjoy each other. Even Tenya was laughing and talking. We talked about how things were going and how things have been for me. I guess it had been a year and a half since I had been around. I told them how my uncle and I had moved closer to UA as well we lived about 4 blocks from here.

"So Iida tells me that you too are not only in the same class but that you sit next to each other as well. Isn't it funny how small the world is? Who knew as you both played as kids that you would be on your way to being heroes and who knows else together?" His mom said. Tenya blushed ferociously as his mom said that with a smirk. She is not shy huh, I laughed and smiled the comment off pretending not to hear it what she meant.

"You're right! It is a small world. I wish I had stayed in touch more, I meant too I just got so busy after the move, Uncle started training me for the entrance exam and for UA. Hopefully, I will be around more from now on!" I said with a smile.

We talked a bit more, then we played a few board games. Tenya was starting to let his guard down. He was joking and laughing, he was genuinely having a good time. Soon the fun came to a close as I looked at the time. It was 10:30 already I lived about 15 minutes away. I should start to say my goodbyes. I don't want to be late. As we transitioned to dessert, I looked over and showed Tenya the time. He nodded knowing what that meant. "Mother, Hachi has to be home by 11, I am going to walk her home now."

"Thank you again for tonight it was so nice catching up! I hope to see you all again soon. Eraser sends his best." I walked over and bowed my head. Mrs. Iida pulled me in for a hug and saw us off from the door. "You are welcome over any time little bee! Tell your uncle the Iida clan says hello" Tenya grabbed my bag and walked alongside me.

A few minutes later we were almost there. "I can carry my bag Tenya," I chuckled.

"It's alright, it's polite to carry your guest's things," he said with a smile.

"Tenya I have known you since I was in diapers. You don't have to be polite. We are friends right?" I said grabbing my bag back. He smiled at me. He seemed relaxed like he had taken a breath and loosened up. I kinda liked this Tenya. Loose Tenya.

"Yes, we certainly are. Though I have something I would like to tell you"

"Of course Ten--"

"Hey, guys! what are you two doing out this late?" We were surprised by none other than Mina Ashido.

"Are you two on a date?" She said with a bubbly smile.

"Oh no no it's not like that, I ran into Tenya and his brother Tensei earlier. They invited me over to dinner with their family. We have been friends since we were kids! A totally normal chance encounter nothing to write home about!" I said frantically waving my arms around. I do not need rumors getting around. I will never live it down. Mina IS the rumor mill.

"Oh oooookay, whatever you say! I'll see you two tomorrow?"

"Absolutely Ashido." Tenya finally spoke up.

She walked away almost in a skipping formation. Well, that was well-timed I guess.

"What were you going to tell me Tenya?" I looked over and asked. His expression had changed, it seemed so stern. Loose Tenya was gone, formal Tenya had returned.

"It's nothing, look were at your building." We stood out in front of my gate. I lingered there for a moment. "Are you sure Tenya? you can always tell me anything" I said.

"Truly it can wait, I had fun tonight, I've missed you. Hopefully I can see you more? Like old times?" He said with a smile. He was very close to me. So close in fact. I didn't realize how tall he had gotten since we had last truly hung out. He was towering over me. He was so much larger than I remembered. I leaned in and gave him a big hug. "I missed you too Tenya, tonight was fun. Let's hang out again sometime." I let go of him and ran into my gate. I bolted into the apartment to see Uncle waiting for me in his corner. That just so happened to face the front window. Great. He saw that.

"So dinner with the family huh? Or was it just the two of you?" He said. His eyes were red and hair raised. Shit, no freezing and escaping.

"Hello to you too uncle. How long have you been sitting there?" I said slowly closing the door.

"Long enough, answer the question."

"It was the family! Everyone was there even Tensei! You can call and ask Mrs. Iida yourself. Tenya just walked me home is all. He didn't want me walking alone in the dark after the USJ villains got away." I said.

"Hmm, you need to be careful and be on top of your studies. The festival is coming up soon. I would hate for you to waste this opportunity on a boy."

"Thank you for looking out for me but I wouldn't do such a thing. I have ambitions and goals. That reminds me, today while training I worked on this new application I tested out at the USJ. I froze my boots and jumped in them causing them to be forced and unfroze them so I could jump really far. Kind of like I augmented my strength but not really. I worked on trying it with my fingers and hands but it is really difficult one issue is I'm not fast enough while using it. Will you help me train?"

With that, the conversation shifted, whew, that was close. I hate talking boys with Uncle Shouta.


2165 Words

That was an insanely long chapter super sorry I didn't want it to have a second part. Hoped you liked it! Vote for this book and vote by commenting below for who you like best with our honeybee, I'm not sure who I want to put her with! I'd love your insight!

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