Part 1: The First Incident

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I promised Roman I'd stop hurting myself, because I knew it hurt him, but after my abusive relationship with Janus, it was hard, and felt impossible. Roman was at work. He had just called me and told me I should try eating since I felt dizzy and light headed.

I grabbed a granola bar and attempted to eat it, but I knew I just couldn't keep it down. I ran to the bathroom and vomited. My breakfast and snack now gone. I still felt weighted down. I stuck my finger down my throat, activating my gag reflex, making me vomit again. After a few minutes I managed to get up, flush the toilet and rinse out my mouth. I looked at the razor on the counter and grabbed it.

I pulled up my sleeves and ran it across my skin, thin lines of blood formed. I heard the front door rattle, signaling Roman was home. I put the razor back and quickly pulled down my sleeves before slumping down to the floor, letting the tears fall.

"Patton? I'm home!" Roman called. I felt so guilty for breaking my promise. The footsteps got closer.

"Pat? Baby are you in here?" Roman asked from the other side of the door. I suddenly felt sheer panic. He was going to hate me for breaking the promise. He was gonna hit me. My breath quickened. The door opened and Roman peeked in. I looked up at him terrified. He was going to hurt me, I was sure of it. Roman must have seen the terrified look on my face. He stepped in and shut the door behind him and knelt in front of me.
"Oh baby what happened?" Roman asked. I hid my face in my hands and began sobbing.

"Roman I'm so sorry!" I cried.
"You cut again didnt you?" Roman asked. He was on to me. He was going to hit me. My breath caught in my throat. All I could do was manage a nod. Roman wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh baby.." Roman said. He rubbed my back. I looked up at him.

"I-Y-You're n-not mad?" I asked.
"No I'm not mad. Worried, yes, but mad? Never." Roman said. I buried my face in Roman's chest.
"I-I'm sorry.. I couldn't k-keep the food down… I-I'm sorry f-for cutting.." I mumbled. Roman pet my hair.

"Shhh it's okay.. I know you dont want to but you should go see a therapist. I have a friend who is a really good therapist." Roman said. Usually I'd argue saying I didnt want to, but i knew all this was hurting him.

"Well.. if it's a friend.. I guess I'll try.." I mumbled. Roman pulled back and looked at me.

"Really?" Roman asked.
"Y-yes.. I know my p-pain hurts you.. I'll go to the therapist.." I said. Roman hugged me.

"Oh thank you baby" Roman said, rubbing my back. I leaned into the hug, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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