Chapter 12: Chased

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Do you ever wish too leave your worries behind? Free of the chains that hold you back. No need too stress over the past, present or future. Free of the shackles that weigh you down. Being able to roam the world with a light heart. All feelings of guilt, sorrow and pain forgotten. Oh how many wish for that. But alas, it never can come true. That is reality for you.


His feet pounded the tarmac with all the grace of a sack of wet concrete, the springing graceful steps of twenty miles earlier had long since disappeared. His rasping throat was as parched as a dead lizard in the desert sun. His head bobbed loosely from side to side with each footfall and his eyes felt heavy in their sockets.

And he ran, like the winter breeze colliding into inanimate objects and crashing waves hitting the shore line. Like eagles soaring across indigo skies and a herd of cheetahs racing through verdant meadows. His long, ash coloured locks whipped back and forth behind him like a fiery tale as he flung himself over sharp rocks and heavy tree trunks.

 He didn't know where he was nor did he know where he was heading. He had no idea what time it was and he had no clue what day. All he knew was he had to keep running forward. Not stopping for anything.

He wheezes as her burning lungs gasp for air. His legs feel numb and unsteady, painfully sore. His throat feels dry, so uncomfortably dry. Long locks of amethyst hair cling to his sweaty neck, no different that if she run through a rain-storm.

How did Lucia get into this situation. To know you'll have to rewind time to know how it happened.

Lucia Mooncrest POV

I was whispering a soft tune beneath my breath as the cool wind ruffles my messy locks of lilac hair. But unfortunately for me my peace was interrupted by a certain porcupine.

"Piece of crap. Get your ass over here and get me a glass of water." He orders me as if owns the house. I couldn't help but sigh. What right does he have to order me around? Last time I didn't listen to him it became a warzone. I could feel shivers being sent down my spine as I remember that incident. But I shake it off like a dog fresh out of the bath.

I go to the kitchen and fetch a glass of water and hand it to the bossy child. With that I leave before I hear anymore complaints. I decide to go put to a secluded area. Ever since I met Abanus I haven't been able to practice the magic powers I acquired from experimentation. Whenever I remember the hell hole, I can't help but think of that red-haired child. The first person I talked to in this strange world.

The experience, the pain, everything I felt at that prison was terrible. If he wasn't there I don't think I would have been able to handle the isolation. I might have gone crazy. The sheer thought of what might have happened to me if I stayed there terrified me.

The soft lush green grass and leaves crunch beneath my feet as I make my way up the steep mountain. The mountain is pristine and white, even the dark green of the pines is mostly coated in the crystalline snow. I could stand here drinking it all in, listening to the silence that hangs so thickly in the frigid air. But I must keep moving to stay warm.

The mountain path ahead was loose rock, each one washed smooth by the river that once ran freely over them. Thickly dark green boughs arched over the path from each side, competing for the light. Under their dappled shade the harshness of the midday sun was muted but it did little to make the steep incline any easier. I lifted my eyes to the distance ahead. After rising sharply for a way it simply turned out of view, likely carrying on in just the same way.

Moss and lichen covered boulders sprawled in the rockery of mother nature. There was no trace of civilisation in this wilderness apart from a worn out path that snaked through the blanket of grass. Because my spirits were up high like the mountain I was keen to concur, I cared little about the wet mud that stuck to my boots and the backpack that dug into my shoulders.

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