15-Here we are again.

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A/N: So sorry for the late updates, I got caught up in school and my other stories but I'm glad to be back and finish this story!

I sighed standing up from the patio going back inside as I slid the Shoji door open. I entered the small kitchen smiling at the fox who stood there stoic as ever.

"Tomoe?" He turned to hum in response as his lidded lilac eyes landed on me. His stature would have frightened me in any other situation. His kimono draped across his figure.

"Yes, Mistress? How may I help you." He said calmer than usual. A soft smile played at my lips as I chuckled.

"I wanna show you something, I think you'll be proud of how I've improved! But you need to close your eyes."I mused to the fox who stood passive before me. His throat chuckled as his eyes squinted in smitten amusement yet annoyance.

"Very well Lady Y/n ...impress me." He mused smirking. He closed his eyes as I grabbed his wrist dragging him to the patio sitting him down giggling at my own plans. I walked out into the yard clasping my hands, focusing on my senses. My palms began burning with a firey sensation as I expanded my hands. I opened my eyes seeing it had worked. A large starry night sky engulfed our little shrine alone. I hurriedly ran over to the man and grinned.

"Tomoe look it worked!" I cheered as he opened his eyes. His thin lips formed an o shape in awe. His eyes greedily soaked in the view before he smiled. His cool eyes flickered to me and smiled. I smiled sitting beside him as I poured us both some sake.

"Very impressive Y/n.Quite beautiful." He hummed as my face flushed under his praise. I chuckled trying to muster the words.

"Thank you Tomo, I made us dinner ." He nodded his tail swishing happily as he began eating the red bean paste balls. The paste slightly lingered on his lip, as I tried not to stare. As his nimble claws picked up the shiitake he mumbled to himself something along a happy 'my favorite ~'. I enjoyed the meal in comfortable silence as I sipped my third serving of sake, my mind still seems clear I'm hardly buzzed. I chuckled at my immature thought. Tomoe chuckled to himself. I looked over seeing him pop the small star-shaped candy in his mouth.

"This is indeed quite lovely, you have my thanks mistress."

"I have one last thing for you actually ." His ears perked up as he gave me a slightly surprised look. I chuckled leaning over sliding on the bracelet. He smiled softly examining the bracelet. Taking note of the red almost black pearls known as 'Tears of Akura' and the small Myobu charm. "Look Tomoe, we've known each other over a year now and despite your attempts to push me away, I had always felt a certain warmth. This warmth had me want to impress you and you're the only one who stayed. Even Mikage didn't stay. You would protect me, even without orders. Your touch still lingers in my mind. I don't like stalling any more than you. What I'm trying to say is that I love you, and if you let me, I will stay beside you. What do you say?"

He smiled gripping my hands in his own as his pearlescent lilac eyes softened. He leaned down to meet my eye level. " Y/n I have seen you grown to become just as brilliant as I knew you could be. Me leaving you is out of the question. I love you, and vow to protect you as your myobu and lover." With that, he had brought the back of my had to the side of his face kindly before softly tugging me into a kiss. His cool thin lips felt nice against my own as my eyes shut. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away and squeezing his hand.

"My Myōbu."
The end.

A/n:Thank you every one for reading and or voting! Your support is greatly appreciated and I will be forever grateful! Keep an eye out for new stories coming out soon.
Until then,

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