"You like History?", Yaku-san asked flabbergasted.

"Not exactly, but I am always prepared", I replied.

"I uh- nothing", Kuroo cut himself off.

The sensei for the next class barged in and he began to unravel his love for physics. Physics was something interesting but took everyone a long time to understand, if they paid attention. If I was in my 8th grade now, I'd ace in physics. And I am sure, when I enter college, I am going to think the same way about 12th grade. As a student, I usually scored well, not enough to be the topper of the class or the school but well enough to be in the top 10.

The class got over in a jiff, I wonder how time runs when these classes happen. It is either too long for everyone to get restless or it is super short making everyone wonder if they had paid attention to everything, probably because every one of us zoned out at some point.

It was the first-morning break, I decided to take a stroll in the hallways. It was my first time looking at most of my classmates rushing into other classes. I had set off a bomb and I knew the outcome already. Rumors, rumors here we go!

I saw a group of girls rushing towards the restroom with a girl from my class and the rest who weren't. It was a known fact that the restroom was the birthplace of gossips and I wonder how these girls were able to bear the stench of detergents and phenyl. Apparently, for gossip, they can bear more than just a stench.

I neared the restroom in curiosity, as the muffled voices became more clearer with every step I took forward.

"I think she failed our grade a couple of times to provide an answer like that, 'Out of the textbook question' it seems", a girl said.

"No wonder the principal has asked her to meet him, to put her in her damn place!", another girl giggled.

"She didn't even say anything about her hobbies and which school she had studied in previously", the girl from my class continued the conversation.

"Maybe she is just too embarrassed to reveal that she is a loser and she is coming from nowhere important", a new voice creaked a laugh with that comment.

I entered the restroom; because why not? I wanted to know if these girls are just gossipers or if they could be more. I have always liked a challenge and I have never backed away from one. The room went quiet for a second, as the girl from my class noticed me entering the restroom. "shush", she said and as they all stood in a semi-circle near the washbasins.

I entered a bathroom stall just to overhear them and the girl from my class whispered. "Let's go now!" I heard that you know, and that's not how you whisper!

"Why? She is delinquent and she'll beat us if she knows? I am not gonna move an inch! She is just a weirdo!", the girl with the creaky laugh exclaimed.

I exited the stall after I flushed the toilet so that they'd think I came here for a different reason. I moved towards the washbasin to wash my hands when one of them questioned, "How old are you?", with a smug look.

"Why?", I asked in return, pretending to be perplexed. I was definitely not perplexed.

"Forgive her, she got curious when I mentioned that a new transfer student from our class is as tall as Yaku-san and as you can look at us, we are really short", the girl from my class advocated for her nosy friend.

"You all are not that short, and obviously I'm the same age as you guys!", I replied sweetly, knowing that they were badmouthing about me, just a few seconds ago.

I slowly exited after that small talk, so that I could hear the rest of their conversation. One of them said something about me being a bitch and that I didn't lie well enough when they questioned me about my age. Well, that was the point. They will get to know when they should.

𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐋, 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 & 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 † 𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐎 𝐓𝐄𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now