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Your POV

We just finished up killing the reapertails when Nocts phone rang, while watching Gladio walks over to me and ruffles my hair, his way of saying good job

You: Hey, I just fixed it

Gladio: *chuckles* sorry, not sorry

The moment he finishes we both turn our attention to Noct

Noct: Hello

Cindy:  Hey, it's Cindy. How goes the huntin'?

Noct: Actually, we just finished

Cindy: That's great, 'cause I got one more hunt for y'all- only this time its for a person. Fella named Dave went off, and we ain't heard from him since, Reckon he's staked out a spot in an old shack nearby.

Noct: "old shack"........ ah got it, we'll take a look

He hangs up and starts walking

Prompto: so what did Cindy say?

Noct: needs us to find some 'Dave' guy

Gladio: He went missing?

Noct: Not 'missing' said he's holed up in that shack

After walking for a bit, we reached an old shack of some kind

You: Why do I have a gut feeling something is going to happen

Prompto: maybe you're hungry

You just shrug but knowing full well what is about to happen. As Noctis walks in he notices a piece of paper on the table, we look around only to find nothing, Suddenly we're surrounded by huge dog like beasts, Ignis has enough time to warn Noct

Ignis: Noct!!

He turns to one of the beasts jumping on him, however Prompto fired a shot it as it landed on the floor, you rush towards it weapon in hand and slice it in half

Prompto: You okay?

Gladio: We are now

Ignis: Spoke too soon!

You: Let's finish this

At least three or four more pile in as you run towards one another tries to jump you when Gladio slides in knocking it away with his shield and quickly slamming his great-sword into it, Prompto is dodging and shooting with Ignis who pulled a wonderful backflip with his spear stabbing the creature with it, Noctis is hacking away with the many weapons he has, not caring if he got a bit scratched up, all this is happening while you rush towards one who clearly noticed you and charged but you manage to jump while swinging your weapon down onto it killing it in one blow. The dust starts to settle, looking at them now you realize they were sabertusks- scavenger creatures.

You: Is everyone okay, no injuries?

All: No/Nope/Nah

Gladio: what the hell were those things

You: Sabertusks, they're scavengers, probably thought we were an easy meal

Prompto: Wow, you really know your stuff

You: *looks away in embarrassment* w-well I um I wanted to be a use to you guys as much as possible so I worked hard -heh heh-

Gladio: Aw would you look at that pipsqueak here's blushing

He says one of his arms wrapping around your shoulder

You: SO MUSCULAR!!!!!!

Ignis: Alright Gladio enough, let the poor thing breath

He let's go after that and notices something through the oddly spaced planks of wood

Gladio: Hey, what about the shack over there?

We all walk outside seeing another shack across the road. As we make our way over Ignis and I spot a pack of sabertusks, we both grab Noct and stop him from being seen

Ignis: Not yet! I've got a plan.

Noct: Watcha got?

Ignis: Warp onto the windmill above them, while we came round the front to distract them, you jump down and surprise them from behind

Noct nods and warps away, we get our weapons ready and charged towards the creatures making us have their undivided attention, seeing his chance Noct jumps down and slices two from behind. One by one they fell until all were down, Suddenly we hear a deep voice

???: Hey, who's out there?

the door swings open to reveal a man clad in leather like trousers, short sleeved top and what looks like a bullet proof vest, silver dog tags shining in the sun, he appears to be limping, noticing this you move forward

Gladio: And look who's in here- the man of the hour. Dave, right? been looking for you

Dave: Didn't mean to cause y'all any trouble. Been stuck here on account of my sprained ankle, somethin' funny 'bout them varmints. I gave 'em hell, but couldn't finish the job. Still one mean mutt about. Y'all don't look much like hunters, but whaddaya say? Put that puppy to rest for me?

Noct: Sure, we'll do it

Dave: Y'all got guts, that's for sure. Lemme tell ya where I last saw him

With the information Dave gave us he settled down on the floor, you go up to him with concern written on you face.

You: hello, would you mind I take a look at your ankle?

Dave: go right ahead

You: thank you, just to let you know I've been trained in the medical field so if it is just a sprained ankle I can bind it for you

with that he takes off his boot to see a swollen ankle with slight bruising, nodding your head you take out your bandages and start to bind it while healing some of the bruises

You: your ankle is swollen with some minor bruising, so it is just sprained, I've obviously had to bind it and I also used some of my healing magic to get rid of some of the bruises, now I would recommend not walking with your full weight on it until the swelling is gone, so just rest for about a week and you'll be good as new

Dave: Thank you

You nod and walk to the others, not noticing they were watching the whole thing

Prompto: ya know, you would have made a great nurse or even a doctor

You: *tilting your head slightly* what makes you say that?

Ignis: I think what he means is you have the disposition of one, calm and collected with a friendly smile. It's a wonderful thing to have especially for the injured person

You: *Obviously blushing* I- um, oh gods above

You put your hands over your face to hide but the laughs around you tell you it's no use

You: can we just get moving, i want to finish this before sunset

So we set off again


Hey sorry it's been a while, so i tried a new thing with the talking parts so let me know how it is

also i forgot to say that italics are obviously your thoughts, bold will probably be the gods talking

sorry if i made it seem like you the reader is someone who blushes easily but im gunna go with some things make you blush a lot (like seeing them in a towel) while other times you don't blush at all ( like cheesy pick up lines)

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