"I'm Sleepy"

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(TW:  Mention of bad childhood)

"When had I last seen her? Not for over a week. Her manner then had been normal enough considering - well considering everything. Then I suddenly remembered that I had seen her, though not to speak to, only yesterday. She had been walking with Ralph Paton, and I had been surprised because I had had no idea that he was likely to be in King's Abbot. I thought, indeed, that he had quarrelled finally with his stepfather."

Logan read aloud, his back resting on the headboard of the bed. He was sitting up, the copy of The Murder of Rodge Ackroyd propped up on his bent knees. The blanket was pulled up enough to cover from Logan's mid-chest down. He didn't have much blanket, however. It was busy keeping Logan's partner warm.

Remus liked to cuddle. Physical affection was very comforting to him. He hadn't had the best childhood, which led to him developing attachment issues. His favorite thing to do was just be in Logan's presence and feel his warmth. Logan liked to read before bed, which provided the perfect opportunity to snuggle up to him while he read. Remus would crawl under the covers and wrap his legs around Logan's. Once Remus had gotten settled and laid his head on Logan's shoulder, Logan would begin to read out loud. Remus never knew what was happening in the story, but it didn't matter. He wasn't there for the story anyway.

"Nothing had been seen of him down here for nearly six months. They had been walking along, side by side, their heads close together, and she had been talking very earnestly." Logan read.

"Sounds familiar." Remus chuckled. Logan let himself smile before continuing to read. Remus was listening to every word, but none of them registered in his mind. His thoughts were becoming more foggy. He yawned and nuzzled his head into the base of Logan's neck. "I'm sleepy, Logi."

"Get some rest." was all Logan said. Remus smiled and hugged himself as close to Logan as he could possibly get before allowing himself to drift asleep. Logan continued to read his book silently, listening to the pattern of Remus's breathing.

Once he could tell Remus was definitely asleep, (signaled by deeper and slower breathes), Logan set his book on the nightstand along with his glasses. He moved Remus to lay on his side with his knees slightly bent. This was the sleeping position that Logan had found to be the most comfortable and best for quality sleep after researching healthy sleep postures.

Remus unconsciously curled his legs to his chest, going into the fetal position. Scientists don't recommend sleeping in the fetal position, so Logan sighed and laid next to him before pulling his legs back down. Remus's eyebrows furrowed. He wrapped his legs around Logan's, holding onto him tightly. Logan felt his face heat up a little.

"Good night, Remus." Logan said quietly, planting a kiss on his sweetheart's forehead. Remus grinned in his sleep, nestling his head into Logan's chest. The light blush on Logan's cheeks spread across his face. He did his best to fall asleep, but found it very difficult. After forty-five minutes of nonstop cuddles, Logan was finally able to get to sleep.

The next day at exactly 6:00 am, Logan's alarm went off. Wasting no time, Logan sat up to turn off the alarm. While he fumbled with his phone, he heard Remus groaning.

"Snoooooooze." Remus mumbled. Logan smirked and shook his head.

"Time to get up."

"Five more minutes." Remus threw their blanket over his head.

"Remus, honey, what are you doing?" Logan sighed.

"Hiding." was the only explanation he received. Logan chuckled and lifted the blanket. "Welcome to my RatCave."

"I swear-." Logan face-palmed.

"Please enter the RatCave, nerd." Remus said. After a lot of convincing, Logan entered the RatCave. He was immediately wrapped in a tight hug, trapping him in Remus's arms. These shenanigans would delay Logan's schedule for the rest of the day. Depending on how long this lasted, he might have to cut some activities entirely.

But honestly?

He didn't really mind.

Word Count: 688 (I hope you liked my first Intrulogical story!)

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